5 star assassins 5 star code
5 star assassins 5 star code
3. června 2011
United States 
O SKUPINĚ 5 star assassins

The 5 Star Creed

This group is for all of you assassins, pro assassins, zombie killers, moders, pro snipers, suicide bombers, soldiers, awesome people, hackers, noobs, cool people, drug dealers, killing spree people, theives, and friends. Succeed is your priority. If you succeed, you will do so because you do not exist. Have fun!

-The One Who Never Misses

For the hardcore soldiers....

Brave comrades of the 5SA Clan, the time has come to rise against our oppressors! Today we show the hearts of true Assassins! We have all given our blood for the motherland. We have answered her calls without question. We gave our youth, our hearts, our very souls for her protection ... as brothers, we fought side by side against the fascists groups. We crawled trough dirt and blood and sand to achieve our glorious victory ... Not for medals, or glory, but for what was right. We fought for revenge ... And when we win our greatest victories, how did our leaders repay us? We returned not to rapturous welcome ... but to suspicion and persecution. In the eyes of our leaders we were already tainted by the corrupted clans. Torn from the arms of our loved ones, we found ourselves here... this place... this, this terrible place. Here we have languished, with no hope for release... No hope for justice. We have toiled in the sadistic groups until the flesh peeled from our bones... We have watched our comrades succumb to sickness and disease... We have been starved. We have been beaten. But we will not be broken! Today, we will send a message to our corrupt and arrogant leaders. Today, my comrades... these clans... BURN!!!
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