Server Mod , Have Fun !!!! SVHF
Server Mod , Have Fun !!!! SVHF
15 de septiembre de 2010
10 comentarios
McLovin 4 ABR 2012 a las 10:42 p. m. 
when xp server up again?
iZiiicK. :) 11 FEB 2011 a las 2:10 p. m. 
do anybody known where i can download the mods ???
W00T3R 20 DIC 2010 a las 8:10 a. m. 
warning, you will get banned from blackops for useing the liberation mw2 modloader.. BE WARNED!
Faaqo 23 OCT 2010 a las 12:28 p. m. 
♥♥♥♥ xorsia !
Yax 17 OCT 2010 a las 7:17 a. m. 
join me now for juggernaut mod
Yax 10 OCT 2010 a las 6:28 a. m. 
Hello people, I'll be hosting mods from now on, you can request any existent or non-existent mod, and i also have my own new juggernaut mod, join me for mods
Xorsia 6 OCT 2010 a las 5:26 a. m. 
with more players the mods will be mooore funny ;)
MasterOfPeace56 27 SEP 2010 a las 10:56 a. m. 
hello im new on this group so can someone plz tell me how this groupe works? thanks!
Yax 15 SEP 2010 a las 12:17 p. m. 
This is the most awesome group ever
Xorsia 15 SEP 2010 a las 8:58 a. m. 
Hi all , if you know lunch mod , send me an invite friend and you will be an administrator of the group ! (EN)
Salut , si vous savez lancer des mod envoyer moi une invitation je vous mettrait administrateur pour gerer le groupe avec moi ! (FR)