The Redskins [NL] AWAY...
The Redskins [NL] AWAY...
9 ноември 2014
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New to CS:GO
I'm glad that you are playing CS:GO and seeing that you are asking questions means you are willing to put in the effort and practice needed to get better.

What I am about to go over is geared more towards improving you as an individual and helping to lay the foundation for you to eventually progress into a Team atmosphere, so there will be a lack of Team oriented information and tactics.

Here is a guide that I put together: How to be good at CS:GO for all skill levels. That should help you get going in the right direction.

Let me throw a few things out here first: This is an action packed game. You can get surprised easily and it's not uncommon to get your adrenaline going and your heart racing. All of these things create situations where it is hard to control what you are doing and how you react to them. The trick is to not only get used to these situations, but to expect them, and learn to thrive in them. Things like adrenaline and increased heart rate can actually improve your reaction time, as well as your comprehension of what is going on.

Here is what I recommend doing in order to train your aim:

1) Make sure that your mouse and it's sensitivity is set at a level that you are comfortable with, and allows you to move the mouse accurately. If a small amount of wrist movement sends the mouse moving several feet in-game, then you have your sensitivity set too high. If you want to figure out how to get a true 1:1 mouse movement to on-screen cursor movement (or as close to 1:1 as you can get) I suggest using this website that phoon put together: worthless information about your worthless mouse It includes things like the MarkC mouse fix and is a great read to help you understand about your mouse and in-game sensitivity.

If you want the short and sweet version, try this: Set m_rawinput 1 in your autoexec.cfg file, make sure in the Windows Mouse Properties on the Pointer Options tab, that you have Pointer Speed as 6 out of 11 (the center tick mark) and have the Enhance Pointer Precision box unchecked. I would then also load the MarkC Mouse Fix for your OS.

NOTE: By using m_rawinput 1, CS:GO should bypass your OS and get the input from the mouse directly. There has been some debate about whether or not m_rawinput 1 or 0 have any real difference. I leave this up to you and what type of "feel" you get when using the mouse. I also recommend doing the additional tweaks and registry fixes in order to eliminate any possibility of the OS interfering with your mouse's input and introducing any lag. As the old adage goes, "Better Safe Than Sorry".

I also recommend making sure that you are able to rotate a minimum of 120 degrees if you move from the center of your mouse pad to one side of your mouse pad (assuming you have a large/x-large gaming mouse pad). Some people recommend 180 degree turn being the minimum turning distance, but I find that if you need to perform a 180 degree turn, chances are that in most situations you are already going to be dead before you make the turn anyway. Good in-game awareness (e.g. watching the radar, team communication about enemy location/contact, clearing angles before moving past them, etc...) and a good set of headphones will help you avoid needing to do a 180 degree turn the vast majority of the time.

2) Now that you have set your mouse up to be controlled with fine precision and accuracy, lets get into the bread and butter of the game: bullet control

Spraying is the close #2 way to get yourself killed in a fire-fight, with crouching being the #1 way (especially against non-advanced players, but I'll get more into that soon).

I suggest loading up de_dust2_se [Maps Workshop Link]. Simply toggle open the console and type: map de_dust2_se and then hit enter. Once it loads, toggle open the console again and type: bot_kick This will kick all the bots from the map.

To get the gun you want to practice with, do the following: In console type: sv_cheats 1 and then hit enter. Now type: give weapon_weaponnamegoeshere and hit enter. For a list of the weapon give commands, I say to cheat and use the info in this bind script located on the gamebanana website. For example, to get an AK47 you would type: give weapon_ak47 I would also go ahead and type sv_infinite_ammo 2 in to console as well. This will give you infinite ammo, but you can still use the whole clip up and be forced to reload, whereas using a value of 1 lets you just continuously spray (which is what we DO NOT want).

Now that you have the weapon you want and unlimited ammo, you want to type another command in to the console, which will help you better see where your bullets hit and how close they are together. Go to the console and type sv_showimpacts 1 and hit enter. This nifty command will also show you if you can spam a box or wall by allowing you to see the bullet impact beyond the wall it hits, if it is indeed spammable, but that is another lesson for another day. Also go ahead and type weapon_debug_spread_show 1. This adds yellow brackets around the crosshair that accurately show the possible location a bullet could go when you fire. As you will notice it grows larger (more inaccurate) when you move or jump, and slightly smaller (more accurate) when you crouch.

Now, I suggest we do a little single tap (tap shooting), double burst, triple burst, and 6 shot spray control training, but first I would suggest going right up close to a wall, maybe 20 feet away and fire off a full clip and just watch the weapon dance and the bullets go everywhere. If you want to save yourself some time and effort, here is a website with a collection of GIFs showing all the spray patterns. You will want to click on the link labeled "C" under the weapon you want to learn. It is going to show you the actual pattern you need to mimic with your mouse in order to control the spray.

I would learn these patterns and ultimately work your way up to controlling a full clip of spray and being able to direct it into one point. But for now, lets focus on single tap (tap shooting), double burst, triple burst, and 6 shot spray control training from close, medium and long ranges.

Spray, Burst, and Single Shot Tapping Distances in CS:GO

•Rule #1: Always aim for the head (*this does not apply to shotguns which tend to do better by aiming at the chest).

•Rule #2: Never, ever shoot before your shot is a guaranteed headshot.

•Rule #3: Always move the crosshairs back to head height once you are done firing (i.e. controlling recoil).

•Rule #4: All weapons have recoil, and this recoil takes some time to reset or calm down. Firing again before the recoil resets will cause your next shots to be inaccurate regardless of where you think you are aiming.

•Rule #5: Keep moving. While your recoil is resetting, move. Once it resets, do a strafe-stop and fire again.
Shooting tips&tricks!

Aim for the head and shot only once, wait until your (dynamic) cross is fully reset and repeat as fast as possible. This technique avoids spray effects altogether. Since it take only milliseconds, you can actually shoot pretty fast. Practice shooting at the exact same spot on a wall, until you got the timing perfectly. Some players only use this technique with the AK-47, because of its one-shot-kill ability, but most prefer to use it mostly for long distance combat.


Aim for the head and shot 2-4 times. While the first 2 shots are pretty accurate, after that you need to pull down slightly so compensate for the recoil. Practice this by shooting against a wall. If you do not have dynamic crosshair (most don’t these days), you know that the your aim is reset, when your weapon model is back into default position (it goes up and back while bursting). You can use bursting in combination with side stepping / strafing in order to be harder to hit. Prefer this technique in close to medium distances.


The AK-47 sprays a lot more in CS:GO than in CS 1.6. But if you are in short distance fights and have to face multiple opponents, it is quite effective to spray. Even if you don’t hit a headshot (for which you should always aim) the first hit will most likely throw off your opponents aim. To learn to control the spray pattern of the AK-47 try this aiming exercise, which we already shared in the “How to aim better in CS:GO” Guide.

•Open an empty server •e.g. map de_dust2_se

•Configure the server for training in the console •sv_cheats 1 (Cheat Mode on)
•impulse se 101 (16000 money)
•sv_showimpacts 1 (show impacts)
•sv_infiniteammo 2 (infinite ammo)

•Buy an AK-47
•Practice: •shoot against a wall and control your spray pattern
•start with trying to do only single shots
•then 2 which also usually land on the exact same spot, depending on the weapon
•then 3, now practice to pull down at the right moment to land all bullets on the same spot
•then 4 and so on
•progress to more shots only when you have mastered one level
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