126th (Britain's Finest) Regiment of Foot 126th
126th (Britain's Finest) Regiment of Foot 126th
21 November, 2012
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
Jamook 2 Jan, 2014 @ 6:03pm
Line Positions
During line battles and other events, people tend to overtake others. There is no issue in this, other than the fact that most people turn it into a competition, and yes, competition is good sometimes, but during a line battle, the competition should be over kills, not who can hold W better. That being said, I am proposing regimented positions in the line. Every member gets their spot on line, and overtaking becomes more prevalent. If a person is lagging behind, they simply move to the rear if they fall out. If a person is absent for the event, the next in line takes there place. Of course it might take a little while for people to get it right and its a little extra to keep track of, but it keeps the regiment looking neat and professional while on the march. Please let me know of your thoughts on the matter.
Last edited by Jamook; 2 Jan, 2014 @ 6:05pm
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Skipper 2 Jan, 2014 @ 11:44pm 
Let's give it a go as it is a valid point, if it works keep it, if not let's scrap it.
Ofc Officer in command at front.
Then another officer at back to make sure all are in line.
Everyone else we will take order of comments on here as line order.
Jobius 3 Jan, 2014 @ 2:29pm 
I agree
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