FYI: Easy dedicated game-server system (works with Source-based games)
For anyone interested in setting-up their own game-servers ...

I just finished a new free-to-use and easy-to-use system for setting-up, hosting and managing dedicated game-servers on Linux (specifically Debian family Linux distributions).

  • Detailed instructions for preparation and installation in the guide.
  • Easy-to-use script, to prepare Debian Linux for the system. It installs all required packages, offers to create the unprivileged user, offers to install Webmin[], etc.
  • Easy-to-use script, to install the system under the unprivileged user. It downloads the stuff from GitHub, puts it in the expected folders, offers to install SteamCMD for you, and offers to download and install the latest "Stencils" archive.
  • Some moron-detection to prevent you from running things under the wrong Linux user (i.e. do NOT run game-servers under root, etc.)
  • Configuration options are driven by a text-based configuration file.
  • Server details, game-types and other data stored in easy-to-edit plain-text and tab-separated-value (TSV) files.
  • No requirement to know how to use SteamCMD yourself - it does it all for you!
  • Supports 30+ games on Steam!
  • Of those, 10 have been fully tested and included in the examples.
  • See the guide for the full list of games that "should" work and "tested" to work.
  • Optional integration with Webmin[] to operate everything in a web-browser!
  • Even the Webmin[] stuff is driven by easy-to-edit plain-text files.
  • Minimal Linux experience required (know how to access with SSH, enter commands in the shell, not much else).
  • Minimal system requirements (2+ vCPU, 2+GB of Memory, 100+GB Storage) - how much depends mostly on what games you are hosting.
  • Minimal access requirements (SSH access, seperate root (or privileged sudo-enabled) and unprivileged game-servers accounts).
  • Supports creating and using "Stencils" (canned-configurations) that maybe be "Painted" onto (applied to) game-servers - making setting them up quicker. Examples are available for the 10 tested games.
  • Little (if any) script editing required - maybe just for scheduled cron jobs if you're into that.
  • If you want to setup scheduled cron[] jobs to do maintenance (scheduled backups, graceful automatic updates, and automated health-checks), there are functions for that you can schedule for that!
  • Inexpensive support! ("best effort") :salt: