l4d2 linux ds no one connects
I created a dedicated server on Ubuntu 22.04 behind the router, forwarded ports (27000-27100 TСP/UDP), but no one connects, although I can connect using a public IP.

/home/gosu/Steam/steamapps/left4dead2/srcds_run -console -steam -secure -game left4dead2 +ip +port 27016 +maxplayers 8 +exec server.cfg +map c2m1_highway
hostname "Gosu Server" rcon_password ****** sm_cvar sv_region 3 // This states how players should contact you. Use your email or website sv_contact your@email.com // Number of rounds to play (only versus) // mp_roundlimit 2 // If you want to use a search key to find the server in the lobby, uncomment and edit this line sv_search_key "versus" sv_tags "versus" sm_cvar sv_search_key "versus" //MASTERSERVERS // CHEAT/CONFIG sv_lan 0 sv_cheats 0 sv_consistency 1 sv_maxcmdrate 101 sv_maxrate 60000 sm_cvar sv_visiblemaxplayers "8" sm_cvar survivor_limit "4" sm_cvar z_max_player_zombies "4" //MOTD motd_enabled 1 //GAME MODE sv_gametypes "versus" sm_cvar mp_gamemode "versus" sm_cvar sv_tags "versus" sm_cvar sv_gametypes "versus" //DIFFICULTY sm_cvar z_difficulty "Normal" //LOBBY CONNECT sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 //BEBOP sv_visiblemaxplayers "-1" ///////////////////////// //Game Settings //////////// mp_disable_autokick 1 //(command)prevents a userid from being auto-kicked (Usage mp_diable_autokick ) sv_allow_wait_command 0 //default 1; Allow or disalow the wait command on clients connected to this server. sv_alternateticks 0 //defulat 0; (singleplayer)If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks. sv_clearhinthistory 0 //(command)Clear memory of server side hint displayed to the player. sv_consistency 0 //default 1; Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files sv_pausable 0 //default 0; is the server pausable sv_forcepreload 1 //default 0; Force server side preloading sv_pure_kick_clients 0 //default 1; If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatchng files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client. sv_pure 0 //If set to 1, server will force all client files execpt whitelisted ones (in pure_server_whitelist.txt) to match server's files. //If set to 2, the server will force all clietn files to come from steam and not load pure_server_whilelist.txt. Set to 0 for disabled. ///////////////////////// //communication //////////// sv_voiceenable 1 //default 1; enable/disable voice comm sv_alltalk 0 //default 0; Players can hear all other players' voice communication, no team restrictions ///////////////////////// //LOGGING //////////// log on //Creates a logfile (on | off) sv_logecho 0 //default 0; Echo log information to the console. sv_logfile 1 //default 1; Log server information in the log file. sv_log_onefile 0 //default 0; Log server information to only one file. sv_logbans 1 //default 0;Log server bans in the server logs. sv_logflush 0 //default 0; Flush the log files to disk on each write (slow). sv_logsdir logs //Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored. ///////////////////////// //Bans // execute banned.cfgs at server start. Optimally at launch commandline. // Put writeip/wrtieid commands in the bottom of server.cfg AFTER banned.cfgs have loaded. //////////// exec banned_user.cfg //loads banned users' ids exec banned_ip.cfg //loads banned users' ips writeip //Save the ban list to banned_ip.cfg. writeid //Wrties a list of permanently-banned user IDs to banned_user.cfg. ///////////////////////// //Network Tweaks - Increase network performance //////////// rate 30000 //default 10000; Max bytes/sec the host can recieve data sv_minrate 30000 //default "5000"; Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited sv_maxrate 60000 //default "0"; Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited sv_mincmdrate 20 //default 0; This sets the minimum value for cl_cmdrate. 0 = unlimited [cevo=67] sv_maxcmdrate 33 //default 40; (If sv_mincmdrate is > 0), this sets the maximum value for cl_cmdrate. [cevo=101]
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try set ip to wildcard.


Also check you are not behind a CGNAT

When using the command line parameters, it's also better to use the "-" rather than the "+" which is used to set cvars.

Command-Line Parameters

-ip Specifies the address to use for the bind(2) syscall, which controls on which IP addresses the program is reachable on. It must either be a local address (an addresses of the host it runs on) or (the wildcard). This has nothing to do with externally-visible addresses in NAT setups.

-port <variable> Sets port for a listen server. Default is 27015.

Some Useful Console Variables

+ip Specifies the IP when multiple network cards are installed (Old, but still works).

+hostport <port> Specifies the host port (Port specification before -port was added, but can still be used).

+clientport <port> Specifies the client port (The port the server advertises to clients, the same as -port and clientport in console)

Viimeisin muokkaaja on [N]ebsun; 23.1. klo 16.45
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