Someone should make a new "Rock N' Roll Racing" game~
Anyone remember that old game?
Came out on the Genesis and Nintendo way back when.
Had a great deal of fun with it with my friends when I was younger.

Really think someone should make a modern version of it.

Anyone else feel like it would be fun if someone made a new, maybe "Neo Rock N' Roll Racing" or such?
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17/7 megjegyzés mutatása
Grab a copy of Unity and get on it!
Both Rock n Roll Racing and its prequel are part of the Blizzard collection over at

Edit: That version of Rock n Roll Racing is the Definitive one, a sort of remaster.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Crazy Tiger; 2024. nov. 30., 23:39
There was a game years ago which did that...... if I remember correct it was taken down soon after release cause of copyright infringement.
Wolfpig eredeti hozzászólása:
There was a game years ago which did that...... if I remember correct it was taken down soon after release cause of copyright infringement.
True. It was an (almost) exact rip-off. If you thought, Blake Stone was ripping off Wolfenstein 3D with only minor changed, that game ripping off RnR Racing would've shocked you. It was pretty much a carbon copy.
Tentacule Un Seigneur eredeti hozzászólása:
Anyone remember that old game?
Yup. For sure. Still talk about it with people my age. A classic.

Tentacule Un Seigneur eredeti hozzászólása:
Anyone else feel like it would be fun if someone made a new, maybe "Neo Rock N' Roll Racing" or such?
Considering how to do anything these days, they'd completely botch it. I'd rather they don't even try.
Eagle_of_Fire eredeti hozzászólása:
Tentacule Un Seigneur eredeti hozzászólása:
Anyone remember that old game?
Yup. For sure. Still talk about it with people my age. A classic.

Tentacule Un Seigneur eredeti hozzászólása:
Anyone else feel like it would be fun if someone made a new, maybe "Neo Rock N' Roll Racing" or such?
Considering how to do anything these days, they'd completely botch it. I'd rather they don't even try.
Eh, I think Fromsoft could do a good one, heh, imagine Armored Core but with Racing sci-fi hi-tech murder cars~
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Tentacule Un Seigneur; 2024. dec. 1., 21:02
that was such a good game, i use to play that all the time with a friend , brings back memory, thanks for the trip down memory lane.
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17/7 megjegyzés mutatása
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Közzétéve: 2024. nov. 30., 23:16
Hozzászólások: 7