Banner of the Maid

Banner of the Maid

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Q 27 Apr, 2024 @ 11:56pm
This is like Ogre Battle or something?
long long ago when i was small i played this game called ogre battle 64, amazing game, it's a mix of strategy with turn based rpg combat.
this game is like that or do you know other titles just like ogre battle? either way i'll give it a try looks interesting.
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Stan 28 Apr, 2024 @ 1:15am 
It's similar to "Shining Force" from my standpoint. I have'nt played the "ogre battle" but wanted to.
Sima Marlin 28 Apr, 2024 @ 9:33am 
Mechanics are similar to other tactics type games, biggest difference is that your units aren't single troops, they are entire regiments, so when you do battle the rifflemen for example from lines and fire at each other instead of fire emblem style 1 v 1 cutout.

There's also factions and choises matter to your reputation and so on, so bit different.
shde2e 29 Apr, 2024 @ 9:15pm 
It's a tactics RPG like Ogre Battle and Fire Emblem, so they share a lot of design.
Not sure about Ogre Battle, but this one doesn't have permadeath, and has a lot of focus on rock-paper-scissors style unit counters and using passive's and terrain.

Comparable games on Steam are everything under the "Tactics RPG" tag, the Ogre Battle remake, Triangle Strategy if you like the politicking and unit variety, or the Disgaea series if you like min-maxing and making numbers go big.
Giraffeguin 30 Apr, 2024 @ 6:13pm 
As others said, I think it's more like Fire Emblem.

If you want something like Ogre Battle, I highly recommend Unicorn Overlord (not on PC unfortunately)
Sima Marlin 2 May, 2024 @ 4:45am 
They also balanced difficulty using interesting method. The fights don't get harder, but you get MASSIVE penalties to income for losing units. On most early missions just losing 2 units ( that get filled after battle) net your reward for battle to zero, and you can't grind money, you can grind xp in side jobs but not funds.

And you use funds to teach skills to troops and to buy better weapons and items, so losing units in battle gets BRUTAL fast.
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