Banner of the Maid

Banner of the Maid

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LABOBO 14 May, 2024 @ 8:33pm
now I'm on chapter 14
but still confuse about class.

is there tutorial or soemthing?

there are cavalry but with many type of weapon


things confuses me...
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Kinoringan 15 May, 2024 @ 12:44am 
You can check the help section on the Menu. The tutorial is very basic however.

Basically, there are 2 types of cavalry
One is Dragoon, One is Hussar
Dragoon are heavily armoured, Hussar is lightly armoured
Dragoon can be used to tank somewhat (You still need a healer nearby)
Hussar has advantage against lightly armoured troops like light infantry. (attack from the side or behind).
Dragoon uses sword, Hussar uses saber

There are 2 types of infantry
One is line infantry, one is light infantry
Line infantry has some armour, light infantry specialize in dodge
Line infantry is your general infantry type. You can somewhat use it against anything
Light infantry is your skirmishes infantry type. You use them to harass enemies troops (attack from the side or behind).
Line infantry uses musket, light infantry uses rifle.

So basically
sword for dragoon, saber for hussar
musket for line infantry, rifle for light infantry

Artillery/Howitzer are your cannon troops, they can fire from far. (keep them away from enemies)
Military band/Mounted Band are your healer/buffer. Keep them well protected.

If you have played empire total war or napoleon total war before it'll be a bit nostalgic so to say..
Last edited by Kinoringan; 15 May, 2024 @ 12:50am
LABOBO 15 May, 2024 @ 1:50am 
shde2e 18 May, 2024 @ 3:00am 
They're also designed as a rock-paper-scissor square.
Heavy infantry beats heavy cavalry.
Heavy cavalry beats light cavalry
Light cavalry beats light infantry
light infantry beats heavy infantry.
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