Shadow Legend VR

Shadow Legend VR

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Other way to drink health potions?
How do i drink health potions while avoiding boss attacks or running away from them? If i open the inventory chest it stays at this place. So when i move around it's almost impossible for me to grab a health potion.
Is this the only way to use health potions or is there something like a quickslot?

Reason for my question is because i'm having a hard time with the first boss. I've set my movement speed only to 1.5 because faster movement makes me sick. But at this slow speed it's getting very difficult to avoid the attacks. And then add the task to grab a health potion and drink it, while running away (slowly).
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VitruviusVR  [dév.] 10 mars 2019 à 12h55 
e.r.n.i.e a écrit :
How do i drink health potions while avoiding boss attacks or running away from them? If i open the inventory chest it stays at this place. So when i move around it's almost impossible for me to grab a health potion.
Is this the only way to use health potions or is there something like a quickslot?

Reason for my question is because i'm having a hard time with the first boss. I've set my movement speed only to 1.5 because faster movement makes me sick. But at this slow speed it's getting very difficult to avoid the attacks. And then add the task to grab a health potion and drink it, while running away (slowly).

There's no way at the moment to take out health potions faster, but you could try "teleportation" for that boss fight, would be able to get further away much much quicker. Thanks for letting us know this though, hopefully we'll be able to make drinking potions faster in the future
Dernière modification de VitruviusVR; 10 mars 2019 à 12h56
Thanks for the fast reply. I'm using free locomotion because it's easier to strafe. But i'll try teleportation just for the boss battle.
Has this changed by any chance?
Well... I don't know if it changed, but I was actually able to get out a healing and heal during Boss Fights. It's a Timing thing; and you have to give up Several Changes to Attack:

1) Wait for the Attack, then Move out of the way, and open your Inventory...
2) Wait for next Attack, then Move... while Drinking Health Potion...
3) Wait for next Attack, and Move out of the way.

That last one seems a bit obvious; but I found if I drink the potion, and then jump back into the fight... I usually get hit, as my timing is off.

Not Easy... But doable!!!
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