Space Haven

Space Haven

Iamezra313 3 Jun, 2024 @ 5:15pm
Alien Parasites - am I done here?
In short for the first time I've decided to play through the Alpha (I've typically done 1 run on peaceful since like version 12). In terms of difficulty this is more back with 17 - which I can live with - for a variety of reasons (bots seem more prevalent and also where's the people abandoned on derelicts gone?; I'm 110 days in and I'm still with my starting 4? - admittedly 18 was also way lighter on new recruits).

Either way - I've just run into an alien parasite that apparently came from a corpse that I had lying around (didn't have a body store yet - but I almost feel that wouldn't have helped even).

In short - am I losing a crew member here (and making the run chalked)? Have 4 x isolated bedrooms and med bay rooms so I've got the potential to isolate them but are they not coming back from that experience? Does it spread I'm assuming? E.g. I think I might survive losing 1, losing 2 is run over I feel.
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listless 3 Jun, 2024 @ 8:36pm 
The only way people die from it is if their health was already low before they experienced the seizure. If you've got medical beds, and their health is still at decent levels, they should recover.

Isolating infected people will keep it from passing around the ship.

Are you sure it was from a dead body? I've only ever seen it happen when an alien core explodes and sends spores everywhere, or when I bring someone on board who was a captive of the aliens.
Nebelbiber 4 Jun, 2024 @ 12:26am 
Originally posted by listless:
Are you sure it was from a dead body? I've only ever seen it happen when an alien core explodes and sends spores everywhere, or when I bring someone on board who was a captive of the aliens.

The (face-hugger-like) parasites are new and come with Alpha 19.

"These unwanted small creatures may find their way on your ship in multiple ways and once onboard they aim to hide themselves in the hull of your ship. Crawling inside the hull space they bide their time and wait for an opportune moment to strike an unfortunate crew member."

But yeah, I had one too and it was the same as with the spore infection. If the infected crew member has enough health before getting infected, they should be fine.
ioanniskass 4 Jun, 2024 @ 1:27am 
It appears -though I could be wrong- after playing around with a19, that placing dead bugs in storage eliminates (or at least vastly reduces) the possibilty of parasites.

Can @aksel_bugbyte confirm?
Albreo 4 Jun, 2024 @ 5:00am 
There are 3 ways to catch it I believe. One from your crew getting captured and pasted onto the wall. Another is to recruit someone from the wall. This can be avoided by sealing the guest room until the sickness goes away or he collapses. The last one from the spore pod that fired at your ship. This one is tricky as wearing a spacesuit doesn't help (bugged) you have to shoot from very far away to not get sick.
listless 4 Jun, 2024 @ 5:35am 
Originally posted by Nebelbiber:
The (face-hugger-like) parasites are new and come with Alpha 19.
Thank you. I skipped mention of the alpha. These critters sound nasty.
Nordil(Hun) 4 Jun, 2024 @ 6:20pm 
Originally posted by Albreo:
There are 3 ways to catch it I believe. One from your crew getting captured and pasted onto the wall. Another is to recruit someone from the wall. This can be avoided by sealing the guest room until the sickness goes away or he collapses. The last one from the spore pod that fired at your ship. This one is tricky as wearing a spacesuit doesn't help (bugged) you have to shoot from very far away to not get sick.

Actually there is a much safer way for the folks that are on the wall. Remove them from the wall without talking to them. Leave them be just make sure they have enough oxygen. (Aka fill up their airlock or place down oxygen tanks) in about 16 hours or so, the "sick" or whatever thingie that shows they are infected will disappear from there on they are fine to board your ship:)
Buggy Boy 6 Jul, 2024 @ 3:05am 
I just got an alien parasite spawn on my ship from a corpse, apparently hiding somewhere. Will it strike someone at random and will I be notified of the event? I have an isolation area and the advanced medical bed, will that be enough to deal with it? Is there any way to locate the parasite before it strikes?
matxbox360 6 Jul, 2024 @ 6:20am 
Originally posted by Buggy Boy:
I just got an alien parasite spawn on my ship from a corpse, apparently hiding somewhere. Will it strike someone at random and will I be notified of the event? I have an isolation area and the advanced medical bed, will that be enough to deal with it? Is there any way to locate the parasite before it strikes?
no way to locate it as it's a nod to the facehuggers from alien.
if a crewmate has a seizure they will not be able to eat for a while but a medical bed with IV fluid can fill up the food need, preventing any lost appetite crewmembers to die from starvation.
Nebelbiber 6 Jul, 2024 @ 1:43pm 
Originally posted by Buggy Boy:
I just got an alien parasite spawn on my ship from a corpse, apparently hiding somewhere. Will it strike someone at random and will I be notified of the event? I have an isolation area and the advanced medical bed, will that be enough to deal with it? Is there any way to locate the parasite before it strikes?

Once, I saw a parasite getting onto my ship roof from space, but I don't think there's a way to kill it (unlike the infesters).

You'll get a message though. And the parasite only spreads the usual infection.

I haven't had the chance to use an advanced medical bed yet, so I'm not sure what use it is.
Buggy Boy 6 Jul, 2024 @ 2:58pm 
Well the little facehugger made his appearance and did his thing on one of the crew, so I had him put in an advanced medical bed and never heard anything of it again in the several game days since. I've also rescued a few NPCs from alien infested ships and done the same, nothing bad has come from them. I'm assuming the advanced medical bed is a bit of a cure-all.
Originally posted by Nebelbiber:
I haven't had the chance to use an advanced medical bed yet, so I'm not sure what use it is.
If you put an infected crew member into an advanced medical bed before they have a seizure then they'll be operated on by a surgeon (if you have one) and wont go pop. There's a surgery debuff though similar to getting an implant so they can't work for a few days afterwards.
Last edited by Batfish J. Macaque; 6 Jul, 2024 @ 8:33pm
Hydromel90 8 Jul, 2024 @ 3:29am 
Hello, I've experience the same.
Is there any way to find the parasyte when it's hidden?
Actually the parasyte is lying on the floor. The only way to get rid of it, it by a composter. Am I wrong?
Stardustfire 8 Jul, 2024 @ 8:23am 
death parasites are a astoreable item like monstermeat.
jedi.khan 26 Aug, 2024 @ 5:35am 
I had one of these things spawn from a crawler corpse that was brought aboard and apparently couldn't be composted/stored. Now I'm anxiously waiting for the damn thing to strike. I do not want a recreation of the Aliens movie.

I just want to confirm what I've read above: if the unlucky crewman that is infected by the parasite has full health at the time, when they eventually are incapacitated (if they are) by the infection, putting them on a standard medical bed (don't have the advanced one yet) will allow them to recover from the infection as if it was just a really bad cold? Is that correct? No chest burster, no alien spawn? Just a nap on the med bed and it's fine?
stinkin badges 26 Aug, 2024 @ 10:33am 
Originally posted by jedi.khan:
I had one of these things spawn from a crawler corpse that was brought aboard and apparently couldn't be composted/stored. Now I'm anxiously waiting for the damn thing to strike. I do not want a recreation of the Aliens movie.

I just want to confirm what I've read above: if the unlucky crewman that is infected by the parasite has full health at the time, when they eventually are incapacitated (if they are) by the infection, putting them on a standard medical bed (don't have the advanced one yet) will allow them to recover from the infection as if it was just a really bad cold? Is that correct? No chest burster, no alien spawn? Just a nap on the med bed and it's fine?
If you can isolate that infected crew member behind a locked door, the regular medical bed will work. I've had them locked in and they will sleep on the floor sometimes while the bed is right next to them. I just wait for the 'spore infection' indicator to go away before unlocking the door.
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