Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Anyone wanna do all the campaigns on legendary?
Never tried on legendary lol but I wanna get the achievements for all of them, would also like help finding skulls if possible :)
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you can friend me and hit me up when I'm on
add me just got all copies
引用自 ~Lexxa
add me just got all copies
Hey Lexxa, would you like to play Co-op? I had to make a new MS account, unfortunately, and have to start all over again from scratch.
引用自 Ryusniper10001
引用自 ~Lexxa
add me just got all copies
Hey Lexxa, would you like to play Co-op? I had to make a new MS account, unfortunately, and have to start all over again from scratch.
yes for sure!
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