AI: The Somnium Files

AI: The Somnium Files

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Aibo/Aiba's design.
It took me until practically the end of the game to realise that her "physical form" design is just an exaggerated younger version of the Boss, which raises a lot of questions about Date and Boss' previous relationship. Combining all the jokes about them being romantically involved with lines like (to paraphrase) "everything the Boss did, she did for you" and "I chose this form because I thought it was to your interests" makes me wonder just what kind of relationship they might have had.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
hamsterofdeath 4 Oct, 2019 @ 5:41am 
i always assumed she just wanted to look "more anime" :D
Wyrtt 17 Oct, 2019 @ 1:13pm 
Yep. Boss did too much for Date. She risked her life, freedo and reputation for a criminal just because they studied together for a few years and were friends?
Stuff she did you would not do even for a lover.
Daddy Wesker 18 Oct, 2019 @ 11:58pm 
Originally posted by Wyrtt:
Yep. Boss did too much for Date. She risked her life, freedo and reputation for a criminal just because they studied together for a few years and were friends?
Stuff she did you would not do even for a lover.
The way she talks to Date is subtly romantic sometimes too. Like it's kind of rare but if you pay attention, Boss is kind of sweet to Date sometimes. Tone of voice, topics, facial expressions, etc.
Last edited by Daddy Wesker; 18 Oct, 2019 @ 11:58pm
Wyrtt 19 Oct, 2019 @ 12:39am 
Originally posted by Levi:
Originally posted by Wyrtt:
Yep. Boss did too much for Date. She risked her life, freedo and reputation for a criminal just because they studied together for a few years and were friends?
Stuff she did you would not do even for a lover.
The way she talks to Date is subtly romantic sometimes too. Like it's kind of rare but if you pay attention, Boss is kind of sweet to Date sometimes. Tone of voice, topics, facial expressions, etc.
I cant support Hitomi as a main heroine at all. Maybe for Falco she was a guiding light but for player Boss and Aiba are only reliable people who care about Date without asking anything in return,
SushiJaguar 23 Feb, 2020 @ 6:52pm 
Aiba's personality and all that are according to Pewter's preferences. Aiba only appears as she does because that's "what Date likes". Except it's not, 'cause he's constantly harping on about big tits and older women.

Boss is younger than Date, I believe. But then again, so is Hitomi! I guess it depends on whether you want your protagonist to be a creepy mouth-breather or a borderline paedophile.
Originally posted by SushiJaguar:
Aiba's personality and all that are according to Pewter's preferences. Aiba only appears as she does because that's "what Date likes". Except it's not, 'cause he's constantly harping on about big tits and older women.

Boss is younger than Date, I believe. But then again, so is Hitomi! I guess it depends on whether you want your protagonist to be a creepy mouth-breather or a borderline paedophile.

I'm writing this under the impression you've finished the game, so spoilers if you haven't.

Except Pewter setting her personality (which is never stated to be to his preferences, just that he set them, since if it were to his preferences Aiba would probably be male) could have been done to resemble the Boss since he was the only one besides the two of them who knew their history and what any previous relationship may have been, or at least has some idea of Boss' feelings on the matter due to one of his final statements to Date (to paraphrase) "everything the Boss did she did for you" and "so what is she to you?", and Aiba's comment about physically being set to Date's preference may be more about her appearance and facial/hair details than her figure. Also the Boss can't be that much younger than Date, or at least not enough to affect their relationship, considering that they were in the same class of police recruits and had been friends for years.

Also Date is an equal opportunities pervert since for all his talk about only liking large breasted older women (which I personally think is him posturing/compensating for his actual tastes with how much he mentions it) he still shows an attraction to/makes pervy comments towards (at least in his mind) the receptionist, the mermaid waitress, and even Iris. Hell, even Aiba once or twice.
DYNAMO 16 May, 2024 @ 2:27pm 
I get a bit hours of game and I saw that similar appearance too. XD
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