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The original is highly incomplete and once you play reflection blue this becomes distinctly obvious, to the point I could not ever possibly recommend the original.
First, the main ending (not route, but the final ending as they're all connected, wont spoil more) in the original is considered kind of negative but strongly impactful. However, Reflection Blue improves that ending and adds significant time of additional content with extended endings, or basically additional route chapters attached to it, to produce a much more impactful and powerful ending tying up things neatly, including some other subtle elements of the extra characters and other lore, and leaves you on an extremely satisfied note maintaining its high impact that the original ending feels contrary to the very core nature of the entire story. Yes, this might not be clear and may be a bit convoluted in how I'm explaining it but I'm trying to avoid spoilers.
Reflection Blue adds multiple new character routes, too, which I initially did not think would be good or characters that I would care about. However, I was so very wrong. Some details on those routes...
- Shizuku may seem like an extremely weird character at first, but just like Tsumugi, she ends up being a rather emotionally and heartfelt arc. Additionally, Tsumugi it is strongly related to Tsumugi's own route for fans of the two characters. It was an interesting deviation from the other typical routes and proved quite good.
- Miki's route was, perhaps, the most normal of all the routes in that it was very realistic and straightforward. It kind of matches her younger innocent personality and feels a bit childish and goofy, but it is still a good route. It is one of the weakest routes, but not a bad one. I would play it later in your run, perhaps as one of your final routes.
- Shiki is added as a heroine in RB and was, perhaps, the character I was least interested in engaging and thus one of my final routes. However, she ends up having one of the strongest impacts of all the routes in both base/RB in my opinion. Her route starts really childish and lighthearted, but picks up massively and doesn't slow down later on as it progresses. What left the biggest impact on me from the route was the very core nature of the character, Shiki, herself behind the facade with her insurmountable strength and perseverance. I recommend not playing it as a first route or two, but after you have started to understand the core story but it is unexpectedly extremely good.
- Umi is an incredible character. Easily one of the best in the entire cast. However, this pertains to the main story and individual routes, excluding her own RB extra route. Her extra route is just an additional "for fun" route and really doesn't add much. Honestly, as great as she is I think the route was poorly done and could, honestly, just be skipped entirely by most people. It is pure 'irrelevant' filler in the purest form and doesn't do much (anything) to build on her or the story.
Just for Shiki and Shizuku's routes, alone, in addition to the improved main route ending I advise against playing the original. Wait for this to release or you could buy it elsewhere and use the fan patch which is flawless quality, anyways, linked on vndb website's profile for this game (see English section unofficial patch).
Aside from the stuff mentioned here and the other routes in the base game, all of which turned out more amazing than I expected, I highly recommend this visual novel.