Queen - mistland
I am making preparation to finally defeat queen boss but I wonder what is best gear to face her? for most of the game i used knife (currenly skol and hati) and have lots of points in knifes but in sword skill just a little. So is it better to go with knife or sword?
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กำลังแสดง 1-11 จาก 11 ความเห็น
Frostner works fine. So does magic, Himminafl (sp?) and mistwalker. Bows too I guess, though arbalest might struggle a bit.
Blocking is not recommended, which goes along with knives, though I've never tried knives. The hits are very hard, and knock back is insane if you're not purposely pinned to a wall.

Whatever you decide, ooze bombs for the hatchlings and bile bombs for the seekers will greatly improve your stamina and/or eityr pool.

Feather cape seems mandatory to me.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Gal Kraft; 31 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 6: 09am
I'll also recommend mistwalker and frostner.
Frost arrows work well if you have the stamina, and you can pop off several in the starting moments of the fight.
She's tough no matter what.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zatarra; 31 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 6: 48am
Knives can work. Might even be able to get in the full 3 hit combo in between her attacks.

Root harnesk, carapace legs and helmet, poison resist mead, health potions lingering stamina.

Get in a few swings, roll her attacks, use bonemass up front to help learn her attack patterns. Rince repeat. Handle adds however, I try and just keep walking in circles around her while adds are alive so they can't get to me and deal with them when she burrows away for awhile.

If melee is too much, bow and frost arrows will carry ya, just bring two bows and feather cape to jump off the loft in an emergency.
Literally just carapace armor and Himminalf. Bonemass power to tank the hits and high stamina.
Frostner and a blackmetal tower shield as backup would be good too

I usually go for a tank build, so I guess it all depends on your play style
Oh, should probably mention, you will likely need more than one melee weapon. Durability. Another reason eityr staves are favored.
Just burn her with magic man, do not play a hero...
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย szyszak:
I am making preparation to finally defeat queen boss but I wonder what is best gear to face her? for most of the game i used knife (currenly skol and hati) and have lots of points in knifes but in sword skill just a little. So is it better to go with knife or sword?

1. Make a crap ton of stacks of eitr.

2. Once you get in the lair, the stone wall at the entrance is impervious to damage. It will be your protected spot to hang out.

3. The to sides leading into the lair left and right you can choose to block up with items you can build in the lair that do not require a bench (resource stacks like certain woods, wisp lights etc can work wonders for this. Leave enough of an area for your to jump in and out of as needed.

4. On the other side of that impervious wall, in singles, drop eitr in criss crossing rows(think X's or * patterns.). make sure they're not right up against that wall but close.

Additionally on the first walk way up the stairs on either side, that walk way is another secondary spot (or main one) where you can drop eitr in the same patterns.

5. With a bow, shoot the queen from her high starting area and then duck back into that protected entrance.

She'll come down, take damage from the eitr on the walk way then come down to where you are and take more damage constantly while there. Any spawns she makes will also take damage. She'll eventually go back to the aforementioned walkway and pace and take damage.

On the rare chance she moves higher(you'll know when she stops taking damage for a while) simply come out from behind the wall find her and shoot her like before and repeat the process.

It will take time but it is an extremely safe (and boring) method to down her.

6. Once she's down, pick up your eitr to use later again if you want to take her down again or for other purposes.

Later too when you get into the ashlands and manage to tame up 2 star Asksvin's you can take some stacks of their eggs, drop into singles in the lair, and place a fire near(recommend above on a ledge they cant get to. 40-60 of them will shred the queen in seconds and you never had to drop eitr again if you choose to farm the queen for what ever reason.


Another method is similar to the above but you use the best sledge hammer and hit her through the wall. This unfortunately will take longer because she will move around more and away from the wall so you'll have to lure back with a bow or other means.

But also there are other methods you can find on youtube too of course.

Best of luck.
Having defeated her with both magic and melee I have to say, at least in my experience, melee can be faster.

It really comes down to figuring out her attack routine and knowing when you can strike and when you need to evade. Just don't get greedy...the ole 'I think I can fit in one more swing' can kill you more often than not.

It is really one of the more interesting fights (I actually think it is better than the Ash boss) and you will get the hang of it quicker than you think. Just don't get discouraged.

One thing I might suggest; there is a 'hidden' base under the main stairs into her lair. It is a great place to set up a fire and such so if you need to pop out of the fight (assuming you have not restricted yourself from doing so via world options) you can heal up and repair real quick then jump back in.
toe to toe is fine in root harnesk & bonemass and healing pots, you can burn her down really fast. The arena has some areas she can't reach near the entry, or used to, if you need a min to heal up, but never fall so low that seekers could kill you as some spawn. You also want a poison resist mead.

Take enough backup weapons that if your main one breaks, you can keep fighting.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย jonnin; 1 ม.ค. @ 11: 23pm
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วันที่โพสต์: 31 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 5: 55am
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