neorogueshadows 2024 年 12 月 18 日 上午 5:44
Yellow Mushrooms
You know, for the sheer amount you can find, they're really not used in a lot of recipes and the recipes they are used in don't call for a lot of them. I think they might be the third-most common wild resource in the game after wood and stone. Maybe resin beats it out? But at least wood, stone, and resin are constantly used for crafting items or buildings, or used as fuel for torches and sconces and stuff.

Can we make these a part of more recipes, just so that I'm not constantly ignoring them?
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目前顯示第 1-15 則留言,共 22
esbenmf 2024 年 12 月 18 日 上午 6:11 
How far have you played? There are good recipes later with yelkow mushrooms. And they only spawn in Dungeons in forest and swamp.
Zatarra 2024 年 12 月 18 日 上午 7:25 
They are good for marking your path to find your way back in nomap mode.
Exodite-Dragon 2024 年 12 月 18 日 上午 7:45 
Medium stamina mead uses yellow mushrooms, and they're always good to have on hand if you don't need the lingering mead for your current purposes.
Bored Peon (已封鎖) 2024 年 12 月 18 日 下午 12:06 
Even the boars wont eat them, so what does that tell you?
Lurksmore 2024 年 12 月 18 日 下午 1:26 
I like them for entrance lights.
konstantinoskountousias 2024 年 12 月 18 日 下午 4:17 
just pick up what you want or need, there is so much loot in the game and you dont need most of it. and yellow muchrooms are pretty good food for early game if you dont have honey or if you want 2 stamina food. and medium stamina mead is the top atm because there is not a large one
A New Player 2024 年 12 月 18 日 下午 4:27 
Berserkir meads use them.

You want Berserkir meads.
trapani2 2024 年 12 月 18 日 下午 7:12 
Great as forever low level lights :steamthumbsup:
neorogueshadows 2024 年 12 月 19 日 下午 6:41 
引用自 Exodite-Dragon
Medium stamina mead uses yellow mushrooms.
Yes, but only 10 for the base and the base makes 6 at a time. Maybe I play differently or something but I really just don't use meads all that often - in fact pretty much just during boss fights. So mead isn't really consuming the yellow mushrooms for me all that fast.

引用自 esbenmf
How far have you played?
Gotten to and defeated Yagluth several times. Haven't gotten into the Mistlands yet for various reasons - first time 'round because the other people I was playing with stopped playing so I decided to start a new game solo, and use a mod to create a single giant continent with massive biomes. Then the game updated just as I was about to go into the Mistlands and my home base ended up being about 50 feet in the air and started collapsing around me even as the world was now full of giant craters and sunken crypts that were actually underwater and so on.

Took a break from the game, came back after a while, started up a new game on the GONDWANA seed (I like big continents). Everything was going great...and then the Ashlands update dropped and the map markers got all screwed up. I rolled up to where Yagluth's altar was supposed to be and instead found a random fuling fort. So that was depressing. Took another break, played a bunch of Stellaris and Baldur's Gate 3

So now I'm in my third run, working my way through the swamps at the moment, which has been annoying because my home continent, despite having multiple swamp biomes and even Bonemass' altar, only had a grand total of like 5 sunken crypts. I've had to go west practically to the Mistlands to find a swamp that'll actually provide for my iron needs through at least some of the Mountain and Plains biomes.
Samoth 2024 年 12 月 19 日 下午 11:26 
They also work as light underwater. But they have a pretty decent base value for base work, etc. Yellows with BB, and a red or rasp will keep you on your toes. Boar feed? I don't tame atm, so ... coal from the obliterater.
最後修改者:Samoth; 2024 年 12 月 19 日 下午 11:28
Bored Peon (已封鎖) 2024 年 12 月 20 日 上午 5:27 
引用自 Samoth
Boar feed?
引用自 Bored Peon
Even the boars wont eat them, so what does that tell you?
I thought of that when I had huge excess amounts to skill up farming.
Eddvohnvex 2024 年 12 月 20 日 上午 6:34 
I heavily disagree with you. Stamina meads are essential and make every play through significantly better by 100%. All of my yellow mushrooms dissapear so often that I have to resort to utilizing the plant everything mod just to plant yellow mushroom responds around my builds.
Cattastrafy 2024 年 12 月 20 日 上午 8:26 
引用自 Eddvohnvex
I heavily disagree with you. Stamina meads are essential and make every play through significantly better by 100%. All of my yellow mushrooms dissapear so often that I have to resort to utilizing the plant everything mod just to plant yellow mushroom responds around my builds.
Hey if they help ya that's great.

....but I literally "never" make or use stamina potions and don't feel like I'm the worse for it. I use lingering stamina later on for the heck of it but that doesn't need the shrooms.
neorogueshadows 2024 年 12 月 20 日 上午 11:00 
引用自 Eddvohnvex
I heavily disagree with you. Stamina meads are essential
“Essential” means “absolutely necessary”. Given that I’ve been getting along fine without them, they’re not absolutely necessary. Really the only reason I brew up the stamina mead at all is I like having a table full of different meads as decorations.
最後修改者:neorogueshadows; 2024 年 12 月 20 日 上午 11:01
SoCalMike91 2024 年 12 月 20 日 上午 11:54 
Love me them medium stam pots, usually save them for fishing.
Still really nice if you're running 2x stam food and running up a mountain / mist rocks.
Sometimes it's a lifesaver, especially when water is involved.
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