Shenmue III

Shenmue III

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Is there a way to change the controls from xbox to keyboard?
I mean, it is a pc game. It's a bit of a no-brainer.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
dannyj147 20 Nov, 2020 @ 5:23am 
Kind of annoyed it doesn't have PS prompts to be honest considering it was on PS4.
ClintHardwood 20 Nov, 2020 @ 5:25am 
Originally posted by dannyj147:
Kind of annoyed it doesn't have PS prompts to be honest considering it was on PS4.

Yeah. This PC port has half-assed written all over it.
Miraglyth 20 Nov, 2020 @ 6:17am 
PC games have consistently used Xbox-style button layouts as the first and usually only option for around 10 years now. Steam themselves say "Xbox controllers are essentially the default controller for PC games".

The game was only made for PS4 and PC. If they were being truly lazy they'd have just used PS4 icons on PC too, so at least they made icons for the dominant controller type. Still it would have made sense to provide keyboard icons too.
Last edited by Miraglyth; 20 Nov, 2020 @ 6:17am
The Nothing Man 20 Nov, 2020 @ 3:32pm 
wait this game i just am installing
so it has NO pc keyboard prompts?

excuse me?
it doesnt say controller recommended and says partial support
I need to know if this game really has kb icons or not, this is very upsetting news
as i dont and never will own a controller for pc
minus for old snes stuff
Lost Alpha 20 Jun, 2024 @ 1:51am 
No, it's impossible. It's not for keyboard. You will never be able to change control buttons in Shenmue III for a comfortable walkthrough, because developers didn't make a control menu with the ability to assign necessary keys like it was in Shenmue I-II.
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