Stoneshard: Prologue

Stoneshard: Prologue

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Is it worth buying the game?
I finished the prologue after dying once to the end boss, and it left me kind of weary for the potential future of my experiences with the game.

I attempted a melee build and had a harder time with positioning/outdamaging the boss when it heals so much more often vs swapping to a ranged bow build and literally not getting hit once. Is this how the game is going to play out? Are melee builds just doomed to have a harder time as opposed to going range?
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Gatenho 16 May, 2022 @ 5:13pm 
For me it's worth, but the game isn't balanced yet but it's playable and you have the option of Permadeath
\\,[†],// 8 Sep, 2022 @ 11:52am 
bro for real questions like this can't be answered the person aka you needs to play it to exsperice it yourself and then you will get the answer you could ask "is the game playable"
\\,[†],// 8 Sep, 2022 @ 11:53am 
also to kill that ♥♥♥♥♥ you must stay by walls and dodge his speed attack when stunned attack once if away twice if close then move away and repeate
Relative unit 11 Sep, 2022 @ 5:36am 
No because it will never be finished
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