Songs of Conquest

Songs of Conquest

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Munin 27 Nov, 2023 @ 5:36am
Gamepad & Steam Deck Feedback
Welcome wielder! We’re very excited to have you try out the latest (possibly greatest?) way to play Song of Conquest.

The gamepad and Steam Deck support is nearing completion, but there is still some functionality lacking, bugs are abound, and it could definitely do with some polish. That’s where your help will be invaluable!

How Can I Help?
A great thing about Songs of Conquest is that a single game can keep you captivated for hours on end. A singleplayer game on Hate for Eight against the AI can last 60 hours in playtime according to our stats! (The stats may or may not be accurate, but whatever the real number it’s a whole lot of time regardless.) Unfortunately, that also makes testing those specific scenarios quite difficult for us as developers, as we also need time over to develop the game.

Another great thing about the game is that you can play a multiplayer match against up to 7 of your friends. This too is rather unfortunate as a developer, because coordinating multiple playtesters at the same time is quite a hassle.

These kinds of scenarios with games that go late would be especially helpful to get some feedback on. Of course, you may also just play the game in any way you prefer - we appreciate it anyway.

How To Play?
First, swap over to the Public Test Realm beta branch on Steam or GOG (EGS does not have one, you’ll have to wait until the patch is released).

Once on the PTR, just plug in a gamepad, press any button, and you should be good to go!

You might also want to:
  • Reset tutorials.
  • Check out the gamepad-specific options under Controls (navigate to Options/Controls while playing with a gamepad).
  • Check out the Gamepad Controls screen in the pause menu (pause the game while playing with a gamepad and navigate to the Controls button).

How To Report Issues/Provide Feedback?
Use the bug reporter (Xbox controller/Steam Deck: hold Left Stick + B, Playstation controller: hold Left Stick + O). Adding [Gamepad] or [Steam Deck] in the report title will help us identify gamepad and Steam Deck-specific issues more easily. You can also just let us know directly in the respective Discord channels (#gamepad-feedback, #steamdeck-feedback) or right here in this thread on Steam!

Known Issues!
Below is a list of some of the larger known issues:
  • Hotswapping between mouse/keyboard and gamepad can be a bit unstable and bug prone.
  • There is no way to turn on non-aggression pacts while in a multiplayer game.
  • There is no way to ping the minimap while in a multiplayer game.
  • Selling every resource of one type in the marketplace loses selection. Open and close it again to sell other resources.
  • Touch navigation in Options on the Steam Deck is quite janky.
  • It’s quite easy to get the selection vignette stuck in various ways by simply button-mashing the d-pad and back button.
Last edited by Munin; 27 Nov, 2023 @ 5:37am
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
ugafan 30 Nov, 2023 @ 9:52am 
Someone posted about this on the Steam Controller discord. I have a lot of experience setting up controller configurations and I'm very interested in testing the game on the Steam Deck. The problem is I do not own a copy of the game. Is there a free demo or timed trial I could access for the purpose of testing and providing feedback?
[WB] Divuar 2 Dec, 2023 @ 2:17am 
It seems the game runs well, but I can’t get any controls from the steam deck, the touch screen is the only thing that works (therefore unplayable). The selected controller layout is Official.
Some additional issue info: I tried to run it with an external monitor, mouse and keyboards. After that I can’t control the game from steam deck anymore (I tried to restart multiple times).
Flash Point 2 Dec, 2023 @ 7:48am 
Just yesterday the "end turn" button ended turn in one press. Today you have to hold it, its annoying af. Who though that it was a good idea to hold it and how do i end turn in battle and game day with one press? Talking bout steam deck.
Reanu Keeves 8 Dec, 2023 @ 2:34pm 
I would like to have the option to have PlaySation button prompts, there is only Xbox and I don't even have an xbox controller. Please ass them if possible, being able to pick which icon I want instead of auto selecting it would be preferable
tarvee 8 Dec, 2023 @ 9:41pm 
Would like to see a more hybrid approach with the Steam Deck/Steam Controller's touchpads. Should be able to use it like a mouse. Right now the touchpads just act like the joysticks.

If hotswapping between mouse/keyboard and gamepad wasn't bugged this could be fixed by the community
yngrolla 11 Dec, 2023 @ 3:20am 
Hello! The overall button layout is great and it is a pleasure to use on the Steam Deck. However I find end turn button to be annoyingly slow. Maybe we can add a config to make it faster in the settings? To wait like 1/5th or the current time. I think it would be enough to not end a turn by mistake.
sh0v0r 19 Dec, 2023 @ 2:19pm 
Can we have a frame rate limit option of 45 for OLED so its exactly half 90 please.
sh0v0r 19 Dec, 2023 @ 2:27pm 
Please add an option for controls that reduces the inertia (interpolation decay) in the map scrolling so it stops sooner, I am over shooting my targets because it doesn't stop when I stop input.
Ywen 22 Dec, 2023 @ 3:18pm 
Second the end turn being too slow to react.
Also, the hexagon selection in combat with the left stick is tedious, because the game waits for too long (when the stick is kept pushed in some direction) to toggle "key repeat". Also that "key repeat" rate itself is a bit too slow too.
It would maybe be even better to have the same sort of cursor emulation in combat than there is on the map view (with "auto-aim"). Because sometimes when the combat terrain is crowded it's hard to see which hexagon is actually highlighted.
Last edited by Ywen; 22 Dec, 2023 @ 3:21pm
Kalix 24 Dec, 2023 @ 12:11pm 
I have a probleme, while starting the game in the offline mode from the steamdeck.
it never loads the game.
Pierba 27 Dec, 2023 @ 11:28pm 
I'd like to report a problem with the gamepad and a solution here that some people might seek without success, as I didn't find any post related to it...

When remote playing on the TV through steam link with an Xbox controller, the TAB / BACK button assigned to "end turn" is pre-configured to display an overlay with different options and icons when hold down. So there is a conflict between the game function and the steam link function making the game unplayable...

Here is the solution I found :
Fierman 8 Jan @ 2:13pm 
Fighting battles using controller is really tiresome. More than once units went the wrong way, did not do what I wanted or simply refused to be activated. Left stick is too imprecise for hex movements.
The wielder sheet and the research tree both have issues with the overlay obscuring the sheet items.

Perhaps shrink and then pin the overlay to left as was done with the spell book?
Critical 29 Feb @ 6:54am 
The end turn button prompt is incorrect on the steam deck.
👁 18 Mar @ 1:54am 
Hey I almost bought this game because it's controller supported and has local multiplayer, that's pretty amazing especially for the genre.

BUT I found out it only has hot seat. Hot seat makes a lot of sense for Mouse and Keyboard, but for controllers it doesn't, and I have accessibility issues that could make it kind of hard for me.

Please add support for a second controller in multiplayer. I'll definitely buy the game if you guys do and I find out about it.
Last edited by 👁; 18 Mar @ 1:55am
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