Quarantine Circular

Quarantine Circular

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[SPOILERS] I really enjoyed a specific theme and being able to roleplay in this game.
Forgive me for any spelling errors, English is not my first language. I really enjoyed subsurface circular and I went into this game blind solely based on the previous game's quality. And I have to say I liked this one as well.

The first thing I really liked was how much the game reflected the choices I would have made and how my thinking would have evolved as I learned more information. I ended up with the Big Pharma ending in my first playthough and I was pretty happy with it. At the beginning, I was very skeptical of Gabriel, but when I learned in the later sequences how dire Humanity's situation was, I decided to take a chance on this unknown. I had Teng, who is by far the most reasonable character, negotiate for the cure and then apply it to Humanity on our own terms. This ending also made it so that Humanity is now aware of the outsiders and when we eventually become a spacefaring species, we will be aware of what we are dealing with them.

The second is that it brings up a theme I rarely see in entertainment. Chesterson's Fence which cautions against violating the existing order in favor of something new. After all, someone had to have created the existing order in the first place and there would have been a very good reason for that. In this particular instance, it applies to the Order vs Interventionists conflict. Although, having looked up all of the endings, it seems that removing Chesterson's Fence was the correct decision. Maybe the game would have benefited from having a more ambiguous epilogue so that we could imagine that humanity could have eventually come up with a cure on our own.

As of right now, about 30% of players got the Big Pharma ending. Was the above also your thinking as you had gone down this path? Also, thank you to the developers for an interesting game.
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Sun_S 30 iul. 2021 la 1:18 
I got the same ending as you, but I didn't think of Teng as reasonable. As you mention, we learned how humanity was fighting a losing battle, and thus it seemed strange that she would throw away what was a possible solution to the problem.
Also, you mention not fighting against the established order, but we can also say that there are two views here: That of "The Order" and that of humanity. The rules that Teng wanted to uphold were that of The Order, which I found weird because that would be like saying when in Canada, keep to Japanese laws. There may be a large overlap in legislation, but in the end, a Canadian citizen is subject to Canadian law only. With humans not being part of The Order and thus not having agreed to their laws, why would they have to keep them?
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