Quarantine Circular

Quarantine Circular

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RoryWho? 21 Jun, 2020 @ 2:26am
question for end of 'diagnosis' [with spoilers] pls help :c
(so the professor is the one who got hit in my play, booo)
this is my first play through and I DONT WANT SPOILERS beyond the answer to this question!

is teng the only option for emissary? i do NOT trust them with that and ive played this part like 4 times trying to get marc but even the admiral as emissary get a hard shut down, do i have to not call her in the room or is that forced on to?
ugh maybe i should just go back and have her be the one hit >-<
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Siggy313 21 Jun, 2022 @ 5:02am 
To the best of my knowledge, if Teng is not smacked by Gabriel, she is the only option to send to speak with Gabriel after the fight. If Teng is smacked, she is unavailable to act as the emissary.

I think it's kind of an unfair thing to force it to be her rather than, say, Marc or the Rear Admiral, one of which is on good terms with Gabriel and the other outranking everyone else on the ship, but ultimately it comes down to Teng or [REDACTED TO ENSURE AS FEW SPOILERS AS POSSIBLE, AS PER OP'S REQUEST].
Last edited by Siggy313; 21 Jun, 2022 @ 5:03am
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