Quarantine Circular

Quarantine Circular

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[TurKi] OnlyTubeFans 2018년 5월 24일 오전 5시 27분
what is activation key?
teng asked me the code assigned for the translation but i not find it in the notes (i freed gabriel and now the game advises me to attack teng but I can only enter that code)
could someone tell me the code or tell me what I can do to keep going?

p.s. i dont speak very good english and this is translated with google
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constantcompile 2018년 5월 24일 오전 7시 41분 
The code is within Teng's notes. She says in her notes that she used a rotation cipher to encrypt the code, and that the rotation key is the minute digit of the note time.

A rotation cipher works like this: you take each letter, and substitute it with a later character in the alphabet.

So with rotation cipher key 2, "ABC Hello" becomes "CDE Jgnnq"

Does that make sense?
Void19 2018년 5월 26일 오전 9시 50분 
Omg, this part was extremely frustrating. I just figured it out. It's "The Admiral Is Foolish". I wish there hadn't been a random encryption puzzle in the middle of a dialog based text adventure. It felt so out of tone with everything else.

Ok, jumping back in to finish the game. I'm honestly loving it, but I couldn't leave someone else with the same question hanging.
constantcompile 2018년 5월 26일 오전 10시 13분 
I'd recommend spoiler tagging that, in case anyone else wants to solve it themselves. I tried to word my post so that people could solve it without being spoiled.
Enfys Ellezard 2018년 5월 26일 오후 5시 00분 
Beside rotating letters, you can guess what the answer is from the choices based on the amoutn of letters if you split the encrypted word by just looking at the capital letters.

For example if it says AbcDefgHijklm

Abc = 3 letters so pick the choice with 3 letters.
Defg = 4 letters so pick the choice with 4 letters.
And so on.
Lyvric 2018년 6월 27일 오후 11시 32분 
Yeah , some puzzles broke the immersion at times; especially when one has to google rotation/caesar cipher to get a better definition. More detailed explanations could have helped with some of the puzzles (even if just in hints).
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