The friends of Ringo Ishikawa

The friends of Ringo Ishikawa

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can you relax a bit?!
update after update after update after update after update after update after update after update like wtf? Can you relax a bit and work on the update for like two weeks or a month???
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Hardwater 30 Jan @ 10:38am 
Let the man do his thing while he's motivated, he's on a roll, the updates aren't very big downloads so what does it matter?
Originally posted by Hardwater:
Let the man do his thing while he's motivated, he's on a roll, the updates aren't very big downloads so what does it matter?

I just blinked and there’s already an update lol. He should take a bit more time working on the updates instead of rushing them out so quickly
He's not rushing out anything he feels about adding something, he adds. It adds up to the experience.
Comxz2 1 Feb @ 1:11pm 
First time i see someone complaining about a game getting updates this is just pathetic let him do what he feels like doing as long as he wants to so it's not your business to tell him to stop updating the game sheesh what a clown
Originally posted by Comxz2:
First time i see someone complaining about a game getting updates this is just pathetic let him do what he feels like doing as long as he wants to so it's not your business to tell him to stop updating the game sheesh what a clown
Did you even read what I wrote? I asked for an update every two weeks or at least once a month, so there would be a big update with everything needed instead of daily ones... But it's always easier to get mad huh?
Mary 2 Feb @ 6:00am 
"Omg I can't stand this! How dare you frequently update your game!"

It annoys me so I uninstall it til later date.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
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