Heaven Will Be Mine

Heaven Will Be Mine

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The Plot
I am interested in this game but a major turn off for me is all the reviews saying gay this and gay that. I don't mind gay protagonists but if you're shoehorning homosexuality into a story then maybe it isn't worth looking into. I'm really not interested in video games attempting to send some sort of shallow socio-political message, either. Please help.
Originally posted by Bean.Gaidin:
Good news -- it's not shoehorned in, it's the very point of the plot. This is a story that's intentionally queer, extremely homosexual, because it's intending to make an incisive and deep commentary on society and humanity. You don't have to worry about it being a thin gay veneer over something that's otherwise completely uncaring about its politics; this is a queer story through and through. Give it a try; it sounds like exactly what you might be looking for.
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Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
Sanrai 31 Jul, 2018 @ 7:59am 
Please leave.
Laedran 31 Jul, 2018 @ 8:13am 
I can definitely see how this can be a turn off. I personally haven't watched a movie, read a book or played a video game in the last ten years because I'm just tired of writers shoehorning heterosexuality into every story.
Originally posted by Sanrai:
Please leave.

Is it such a struggle to come up with a thoughtful comment? Are you going to try to invite me into your perspective? Are you even going to explain why you think I should leave? This is your chance to show me your point of view. It's a shame that you'd take the most easiest and vapid route without even allowing yourself any argumentation. What a wasted opportunity, I think.
Originally posted by Laedran:
I can definitely see how this can be a turn off. I personally haven't watched a movie, read a book or played a video game in the last ten years because I'm just tired of writers shoehorning heterosexuality into every story.

I wonder if you just believe this as an axiom. It's a question of nuance beyond the simplicity that you attach to things. If you disregard things because of a certain aspect, that kind of makes you narrow-minded in a way that could be prescribed to racists or homophobes. I am open to everything provided it fits my criteria for being 'good'. That being a deep and well-thought out world and characters that have many facets beyond a single attribute. I won't judge you if you don't have the same criteria of what the subjective term 'good' is. If you enjoy cardboard cutouts that's fine. We all enjoy a greasy hamburger every once in awhile.
Fingerthing 31 Jul, 2018 @ 8:36am 
Looking past your enormously condescending air, which the other posters have correctly identified and Owned you for... The game is "gay" because it heavily features LGBT questions of sexual identity and attraction, and are an integral part of its story and themes.
Originally posted by Fingerthing:
Looking past your enormously condescending air, which the other posters have correctly identified and Owned you for... The game is "gay" because it heavily features LGBT questions of sexual identity and attraction, and are an integral part of its story and themes.

I came in here with a pretty open mind. I think if you're looking 'own' people then you have your priorities misaligned. I can see that this game is not for me given the hostile response I've gotten from this community. Very unfortunate.
Laedran 31 Jul, 2018 @ 11:45am 
Originally posted by The Zodiac Griller:
If you disregard things because of a certain aspect, that kind of makes you narrow-minded in a way that could be prescribed to racists or homophobes.

That was the exact point of my sarcasm, yes. You came here saying you weren't interested in a game because people said it was gay. It very much is, but there's nothing political about that.

Gay characters tend to appeal to gay people. Unbelievable, I know. That's only one of the many selling points of the story, yet here you are rambling about how you're dismissing the game just because of that one element.

If you really did came here with an open mind, you would have just played the game and judged it for yourself. Instead you prefered to be blatantly condescending towards us, waiting for us to call you out on that and use it as an excuse for not playing the game.
Pizza Bagels 31 Jul, 2018 @ 11:54am 
dude the story is literally based around the relationship of 3 gay woman it's pivotal to the plot, that's kinda like the opposite of shoe horned
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Bean.Gaidin 31 Jul, 2018 @ 11:55am 
Good news -- it's not shoehorned in, it's the very point of the plot. This is a story that's intentionally queer, extremely homosexual, because it's intending to make an incisive and deep commentary on society and humanity. You don't have to worry about it being a thin gay veneer over something that's otherwise completely uncaring about its politics; this is a queer story through and through. Give it a try; it sounds like exactly what you might be looking for.
Originally posted by Ben.TMoore:
Good news -- it's not shoehorned in, it's the very point of the plot. This is a story that's intentionally queer, extremely homosexual, because it's intending to make an incisive and deep commentary on society and humanity. You don't have to worry about it being a thin gay veneer over something that's otherwise completely uncaring about its politics; this is a queer story through and through. Give it a try; it sounds like exactly what you might be looking for.

Thank you. This is the answer I was looking for.
Howdy folks! I can see this question was already thoroughly answered, and I just wanted to say that I have a similar nagging suspicion that many people reviewing the game simply liked it because it has gay girls in it. While the story may revolve around ♥♥♥♥-sexual relationships and offer insightful commentary on society and us as human beings, I wanted to know if the above was pulled off in a nuanced, smart way that conveys clear intent on the part of the creator.

it's not the gay part that I or people like me consider a problem, it's the possibility of this idea being used to pander to an under represented group to sell a game and cash in on a populace craving actual quality content and representation of a subject in media.

TL:DR, is it good "because" its gay or is it good "because" its good?

Sorry to be a bother, just thought I'd share a similar sentiment!
Austellus 7 Aug, 2018 @ 7:39pm 
The queer themes are inherent to the story, it couldn't work without them.

In other words no, it's not queerbaiting.

(That said stuff can totally be good because it's gay.)
I've played some of Saturn's arc so far, at 25% in each faction. The way that the text logs between missions express the universe that these characters exist in points to themes of isolation, difference, the construction of normal in human society and the outcasts that are inherently created by designating a set of parameters as "normal." I'm not sure what to think yet.

Have you finished the game? I get the feeling I'm gonna want to pull it apart when I finish.

(Sure, I think I get what you're saying, but my brain keeps spitting out an analogy that dessert is good because it's sweet.)

P.S. I'm not trying to start a heated argument or anything, just saw a reply and felt the urge to follow up since I decided to nut up and buy the game for myself, and it definitely leaves some kind of impression, at least so far.

Originally posted by Hutch:
The queer themes are inherent to the story, it couldn't work without them.

In other words no, it's not queerbaiting.

(That said stuff can totally be good because it's gay.)
Please refer to my above comment, I do not usually use steamchat.
Austellus 7 Aug, 2018 @ 9:30pm 
I've finished it, and there is a LOT to analyse about it.

There's a couple of threads here where we've been picking it apart, but I still keep seeing people come up with new stuff elsewhere.
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