Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

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vima297297 28 Dec, 2024 @ 11:37am
how to skip the bull?
guys seriously the f was miyazaki thinking by putting thi bs into the game it really breaks all th joy , i kmow theres tutorial on yt but i thinkmits patched by now , i tried like 20 mins s straight an nothing happened hhelp m pls

edit: thank you all i made it looks difficult than it is
Last edited by vima297297; 30 Dec, 2024 @ 1:03pm
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
LuckyCheshire 28 Dec, 2024 @ 12:04pm 
You can't skip him, at least not legitimately. Don't try to wear his poise down, just focus on vitality damage. Stay well out of the way of his horns. Use the Firecrackers to stun him.

Just keep practicing and you'll get him sooner or later. :MonkThumbsUp:
vima297297 28 Dec, 2024 @ 12:06pm 
Originally posted by LuckyCheshire:
You can't skip him, at least not legitimately. Don't try to wear his poise down, just focus on vitality damage. Stay well out of the way of his horns. Use the Firecrackers to stun him.

Just keep practicing and you'll get him sooner or later. :MonkThumbsUp:
bro i literaly tried everything iy drives me insane arr there some cheats or something his f udogebale
Crypto Gamer 28 Dec, 2024 @ 12:16pm 
Get the firecracker for 500 Sen from the Crow Merchant.

Use it and during the short stagger time hit its head.

Reapply fire cracker after 20 seconds.

Or you can also just hit his legs and run around.
Hitting his leg is safer but deals much less health dmg and almost no posture dmg.

If you are good at deflects you can bait his charge attacks and deflect this will stun him for around 2R1s run around and rebait the charge.

EVEN if you deflect the Blazing Bull you will still take some chip health dmg and burn status.
999 28 Dec, 2024 @ 1:02pm 
just run behind him? he's very easy
Don Lobo 28 Dec, 2024 @ 1:05pm 
Originally posted by Crypto Gamer:
Get the firecracker for 500 Sen from the Crow Merchant.

Use it and during the short stagger time hit its head.

Reapply fire cracker after 20 seconds.

Or you can also just hit his legs and run around.
Hitting his leg is safer but deals much less health dmg and almost no posture dmg.

If you are good at deflects you can bait his charge attacks and deflect this will stun him for around 2R1s run around and rebait the charge.

EVEN if you deflect the Blazing Bull you will still take some chip health dmg and burn status.

^ This

I would recommend 1x charged attack when you deflect his charged instead of 2x normals. Directly to the head. Sufficient vitality damage, and more so if you keep hitting the head, will send the bull into a frenzied charge, if he charges against a wall it will break his posture and you can kill him right away.

If you don't want the risk, stay behind his head at all costs and take vitality pot shots until it goes into that same frenzy.

The bull skip is the other option you have. I've never tried it, but it's meant to be fairly beginner friendly. The jumps do seem precise, so buckle up and give it a few goes. And no, the bull skip hasn't been patched. Speed runners still use it in their runs with the current patch on.
Last edited by Don Lobo; 28 Dec, 2024 @ 1:06pm
Willard 28 Dec, 2024 @ 1:43pm 
you can literally dodge through his straight on attacks and then just chase behind him and do regular sword strikes. the red fire gourd can help. attack his back legs
Spyro98 28 Dec, 2024 @ 5:58pm 
the bull is one of the easiest bosses, there is no skip sorry
Frid 28 Dec, 2024 @ 8:00pm 
Originally posted by vima297297:
Originally posted by LuckyCheshire:
You can't skip him, at least not legitimately. Don't try to wear his poise down, just focus on vitality damage. Stay well out of the way of his horns. Use the Firecrackers to stun him.

Just keep practicing and you'll get him sooner or later. :MonkThumbsUp:
bro i literaly tried everything iy drives me insane arr there some cheats or something his f udogebale
change your sprint button to ''B'' or something and start sprinting around.
when he gets stuck for a second in wall,thats where attacks should land.
Last edited by Frid; 28 Dec, 2024 @ 8:13pm
Laughing Clown 28 Dec, 2024 @ 8:19pm 
Get the bull to run past you and into a wall where he gets stuck for a moment and has to turn around. Come up to his rear end / hind legs and attack until he runs away (attacking at his hind legs prevents him from hitting you with the burning straw on his head). Follow him when he runs away into another wall and attack hind legs again. Rinse and repeat until he's dead.

Edit: Periodically use the firecrackers people mentioned above while he's at a wall and you are attacking him to kill him a little quicker.
Last edited by Laughing Clown; 28 Dec, 2024 @ 11:47pm
vima297297 29 Dec, 2024 @ 4:20am 
Originally posted by Crypto Gamer:
Get the firecracker for 500 Sen from the Crow Merchant.

Use it and during the short stagger time hit its head.

Reapply fire cracker after 20 seconds.

Or you can also just hit his legs and run around.
Hitting his leg is safer but deals much less health dmg and almost no posture dmg.

If you are good at deflects you can bait his charge attacks and deflect this will stun him for around 2R1s run around and rebait the charge.

EVEN if you deflect the Blazing Bull you will still take some chip health dmg and burn status.
thx this is basically my pronlem whenever i deflect i still take dmg and rin out off wate fast
vima297297 29 Dec, 2024 @ 4:21am 
Originally posted by 999:
just run behind him? he's very easy
tried it but he turn his head always in my direction
vima297297 29 Dec, 2024 @ 4:23am 
Originally posted by Spyro98:
the bull is one of the easiest bosses, there is no skip sorry
for me it waS that one samurai on the horse did em dirty by first try
Last edited by vima297297; 29 Dec, 2024 @ 4:24am
Asahiyama 29 Dec, 2024 @ 5:21am 
This is literally a matador fight. Imagine urself baiting the bull with ur katana instead of red cloth thingy and dodge behind him when he charges. Keep running around and behind him hitting his flanks. Use the firecracker prosthetic tool if u need extra help. No need to parry even. Extra points if u can bait him into charging into a wall, his posture breaks immediately in those cases (happened in my run lol)
Crypto Gamer 29 Dec, 2024 @ 5:51am 
If you get one emblem passive you can have 16 emblems so 8 fire cracker uses.

If you time those rights(wait 20 seconds)you can likely do 2-3 head hits per firecracker and run around.
That is 16-24 sword hits to the head that takes much more damage and there is no risk.

Hitting his head will also poise break(stagger) him more often so ideally you hit his legs once or twice during those 20 seconds. (so his poise can not reset).

But as above you can run around and hit his hind legs. That is how I did it the first time.
Just note legs take much less health,poise and posture damage than the head so it will take longer.

If you perfectly deflect his charging attack you will take like 5% chip health dmg or so.
If you miss time it(block)you take much more.

There are 3 consumables that protect againts burning status they also reduce fire damage by the same amount of 40,50,60%.

I think the early basic ones are a 40% reduction, the Ministry one is 60%.
And the Replenishing one is 50%.

Againts Blazing Bull a Certain Late game Fire boss fire resist can help.

For NG+ you can easily deflect the Bull Charge with a fire Umbrella.

If you still Have not Visited Hirata Estate good idea to do so.
Maybe you can get a health upgrade and another Attack power from the optional boss.

Will make a slight difference.
(1AP is 100 dmg ,2AP is 120dmg per R1).

Make sure you completed the Rat Side Quest and you got The Asshina trees.

It has some good passives that modifies posture dmg.
Practice your parry it's not that hard, with each one you can thrust him in head and hit him once after before he recovers.

You can buy red gourd to deal with fire status (if you didn't already).

3 healing gourds and also 3 pellets are already more than enough.
Last edited by 𝕊𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕒; 29 Dec, 2024 @ 10:38am
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