Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Assassin's Creed Odyssey

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Patch Notes
Is there somewhere with up to date patch notes? I've gotten at least 3 updates recently, last night's was almost 26Gb, and I can't find patch notes anywhere after March 2023. They aren't on steam, they aren't on the website for the game, nada. I'd appreciate the ability to see what that 26Gb you're pushing to my PC entails.
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That's because the game itself hasn't been patched since March 2023, The updates are for the Connect app and why you got a 26 GB patch must be a Steam glitch because it didn't happen on the Ubisoft version.

With the direct from Ubisoft version it clearly shows that the update was for the Connect App not the game itself. None of the game's files have been updated and this can be easily verified by looking at the timestamps in File Explorer
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