How To Cope With Boredom and Loneliness

How To Cope With Boredom and Loneliness

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mus 3 Jun, 2018 @ 3:49am
Can we get a game based on Boris the KGBee?
One of the best characters in gaming history. Let's get a game for Boris!
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Poffle  [developer] 21 Jun, 2018 @ 1:30pm 
You may or may not see more of Boris the KGBee in our next game...
mus 21 Jun, 2018 @ 6:04pm 
Well i hope to see him.
robilar5500 16 Feb, 2019 @ 1:35pm 
That would be hilarious. I'd play it.
Boris is always in your game, you just don't know it
Michi 5 Apr, 2020 @ 4:41pm 
I'd pay for a KGBee game
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