Landinar: Into the Void

Landinar: Into the Void

AUSGrizzly 28 Apr, 2019 @ 5:28am
PSA:: Rotation is Important. Make sure you have Gyros installed.
Got me a nice set of Pulsar Engines, SWEET I thought. Loaded them onto the ship, climbed aboard and punched the thrusters forward.... Only to sail endlessly into the void...
Kinda wish the game would have a warning or something if you don't have the ability to rotate the ship, ie, control the damn thing. Thank goodness for the autosaves.
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Madd Llama 28 Apr, 2019 @ 2:24pm 
Pay attention to the green and red bars under ship stats when you are building the ship. Make sure rotation has a little bit of green in there and you can move... I recommend one MK2 Gyro plus 4 side thrusters in a cruiser... ship turns faster than a guy's head at the beach.
DeathOnRedBull 14 May, 2019 @ 2:30pm 
Plasma engines, if present, default to pulse mode, as opposed to thrust mode. This overrides the settings of chemical engines. To return to thrust mode, enter your ship and approach an engine (any). Choose 'Thrust mode'.
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