The Beast Inside

The Beast Inside

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Simplex 20. okt. 2024 kl. 12:40
Price in Poland is second highest in the world because Valve sucks
Polska gra, a cena dla Polaków druga najwyższa na świecie.

In Poland, the price of this game is 2nd highest in the world, due to Valve's automatic exchange rate for PLN which is outdated and does not reflect curent purchasing power of Polish currency.

There's an awareness campaign about unfair prices called #PolishOurPrices that already resulted in multiple indie devs lowering their unintentionally unfair prices of games such as Hades 2, No Rest for the Wicked, Selaco, Mullet Mad Jack, Into the Radius 2, Retropolis, Felvidek, Dusk, and many others (you can ask them for references).

Please, don't rely on Steam's default regional pricing - adjust it for the Polish market! This will encourage Polish gamers to buy your games on Steam instead of buying it at a gray market key resellers or pirating it.
Sidst redigeret af Simplex; 20. okt. 2024 kl. 12:41
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mb3 20. nov. 2024 kl. 14:20 
Who's the highest? Wait, let me guess... USA. Deal with it, we do every day.
Simplex 20. nov. 2024 kl. 14:59 
Of course you guessed wrong, too lazy to even check and automatically assume it must be 'Murica :D This game is $24.99 in USA and $28 in Poland.
Not to mention USA is one of the richest countries in the world.
mb3 20. nov. 2024 kl. 23:27 
Ok you shamed me into doing my research. The game goes on sale almost every month for 90% off. (I'm pretty sure that's when I bought it) I almost never buy new release games. I always wait for them to go on sale. Specially games that arn't multiplayer. And your wrong about USA being one of the richest countries. You ever hear of Biden-nomics? We've had anywhere from 25-27 percent inflation in this country since Sleepy Joe took over. That's in only 4 freaking years. But, since I did my research now, if you bought the game for 90% off like me, you would have checked the prices at that discount and you would have seen that the USA price was the second highest on the list, only second to the Swiss Franc. Now let's never speak of this again because it was just a joke anyway.
Simplex 21. nov. 2024 kl. 10:42 
You think only USA had inflation? Muricans, Muricans never change.
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