Fallen ~Makina and the City of Ruins~

Fallen ~Makina and the City of Ruins~

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Swaps4  [udvikler] 3. juni 2020 kl. 18:52
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Viser 1-3 af 3 kommentarer
elahrens2000 12. juli 2020 kl. 6:58 
I don't understand why I don't get the actual video representation of the sexual acts of the characters. I am an adult male and am not too happy about seeing black screens in their place. I bought this for both the game play and the visuals.
halfseasover 13. juli 2020 kl. 19:16 
Oprindeligt skrevet af elahrens2000:
I don't understand why I don't get the actual video representation of the sexual acts of the characters. I am an adult male and am not too happy about seeing black screens in their place. I bought this for both the game play and the visuals.
you'll need the patch to get the extra content, here is the patch link on their website, https://kaguragames.com/fallen-patch/ follow the instruction, you'll get what you need
AnGBKGaming 7. nov. 2021 kl. 1:16 
how can i get Chinese patch?
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