Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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MrKrabs 16 Jul, 2024 @ 5:31am
Most annoying defects II
Hello Comrades,

I would like to restart an old thread where players could post those things that they find annoying and think that they may need some polishing.

Let me set up a few rules for this thread.

- No Bugs to be mentioned. The Bug report subforum shall be used for that.
- Every User do one post only which he/she can edit at any time.
Therefor it might be useful to ad the date when it´s written.
Moderators are excluded from the upper rule.
- Other suggestions like implementation of new industries or bicycles and so forth do not belong into this thread.
- No discussions about ones opinion. What´s annoying and what´s not is subjective.
- Keep it as short as possible.
- Remain polite and respectful.

The above rules are in place in an attempt to keep this thread somewhat readable.
There may come more rules of what I didn´t think about yet.
So keep an eye on that.

Moderators will look over it from time to time to check and edit if necessarry.

Best regards and happy gaming.
Last edited by MrKrabs; 19 Jul, 2024 @ 3:06am
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Showing 1-15 of 192 comments
MrKrabs 16 Jul, 2024 @ 5:40am 
Let me start with the first one.

- Roads and tracks can hardly be placed smooth at hilly areas.
It has gotten better but often my results look like that there is room for improvement.
- Ramps of bridges can only be done with a kink.
- Lack of junctions for tunnels and bridges.
- modifying terrain around buildings can make building partially levitate or make a road wonky or even partially buried
- no single lane bridges (in addition to bridge junctions)
- refuel station search is lacking (a truck starts looking for a gas station right after it passes by a gas station, a train starts looking for a refuel station *after* leaving a station)
- can't easily view a vehicle's planned path
- road congestion overlay should be a standard feature, not a hidden CHEAT option
- more CHEAT options - stop rain/snow, refuel a vehicle
- there are many hidden CHEAT options - make them into visible buttons and checkboxes
m4rek 16 Jul, 2024 @ 7:01am 
  • Vehicles should have the centre of their rear axles on the road/path splines, not their front
  • Train cannot path to a fuel depot if it cannot path to the next destination from the fuel depot. It should be able to path as long as it can path back to any of its destinations (possibly as a selectable option)
  • Cement mixers and refrigerated vehicles should use fuel at all times when loaded, even when stationary
  • Cement mixers should wait at construction sites while waiting for their concrete to be used, as concrete cannot be stored
  • Road junctions with different types of road surface want a well-defined behaviour for which road will go on top and where each one will end
  • Above-ground pipework wants a vertical segment for bridging over obstacles
  • Pipes/bridges etc that can be elevated should automatically place a support at any change of slope, as these almost always look weird

  • Open storages should be split into "bays" which cannot hold more than one resource, similar to bin stands, to prevent resources levitating on top of each other or the weird reorganisation that happens during loading/unloading
  • Ability to only remove the wire connection of powerlines so that they can be disconnected/diverted/reconnected without having to build/demolish a whole pole if the existing poles would suffice

  • Flow configuration diagrams are not correctly mirrored when a pump has been flipped, likely other structures too.

  • Vehicles should have the centre of their rear axles on the road/path splines, not their front
After more observation the issue appears to be that the rear axle is positioned on the spline but not aligned with it, causing it to sometimes move sideways. The position of the front of the vehicle should not be determined by the spline at that distance away, but rather the rear axle spline direction should be used as the rotational alignment of the vehicle. The impact of this on multi-segment vehicles would probably make this a significant effort change, rather than a "defect".

  • It is not at all apparent that the assign construction office window is scrollable
  • While selecting construction offices to assign, the list sometimes resets before you can confirm it
  • Some sort of lock option should exist, to prevent construction offices from automatically assigning to a construction that you are managing manually
Last edited by m4rek; 27 Jul, 2024 @ 1:20pm
Delle(DK) 16 Jul, 2024 @ 7:14am 
I have played the game more than +500 houres.
The following is mostly aimed at new players that i think need more ingame information/help.

One of the most annoying missing thingss are there are a lack of ingame information about how things work and are supposed to be setup.

Example your water system need to be setup like this
- water well - pump - water cleaning to 99% - water pump - city
But that is not obvious so players build it like "water well -city" and then it dosent work for them, and dont know you need to clean the water to 99% pure for your citizens.
There is also no information about water pressure.

I am just saying even with hundreds of houres i am still learning how to play the game and have made many mistakes since i cannot look up how the game is supposed to work.
it have sometimes been frustrating.
Other things that players dont understand is how much heating you need in an area, how many power connections/load.

other issues is the power transformer that let you prioritize the power.
There is no information about it.

I think the ingame wiki need to be updated so the players can read more about everything.
Other issues that most player run into are... how do i repair a ship/plane/rail/tram ect.
Last edited by Delle(DK); 16 Jul, 2024 @ 7:14am
Sirius Czech 16 Jul, 2024 @ 7:18am 
- Heating plants sometime place themselves in a way where it is impossible to build undergroung pipes right away and player needs to add a short piece of overground pipe to bring it to the ground
- some buildings in the game doesn´t make sense in terms of cost/benefit approach, aka why waste money and people on them? This is for wastewater treatment plants, the hazardous waste cleaning facility and specialised separation plants alike.
- despite having highways with 2 lanes, hardly any vehicles are using left lane. Worst case - a vehicle breaks in the right lane and NOONE is overtaking it/going around it
- "piece of infrastructure" burns quite a lot, despite not having a reason for it due to materials (staircase to pedestrian bridge, road gates, open water inlet, ...). These should have fires banned.
- there is no way of airlifting fuel automatically, closest thing to it is an "airbridge" with 2 helicopters, lots of fuel trucks, DO at receiving end and manual filling of vehicles at start. Impressive stuff, but still not 100% automatable (unlike with rail wagons).
- lack of DO for planes/helis to supply remote outposts without need for dozens of parking spots for lines
- RDO doesn´t care about full theoretical accesebility for electric trains (or any trains, in fact) before sending one out on a journey.
- paths, unlike FCs, cannot be constructed from a building directly, which leads to need of ugly dirt connections and too-small-to-build-with-machinery paths on both sides sometimes
- big RCO trains (EDK300) can drain supplies to a point they are not able to dispose of them when coming back from jobs (especially in 4pieces and small RCO office) due to lack of storage space; external warehouse is necessary

Line logics
- you cannot assign a gas station as a place for vehicle to refuel (would be nice especially with trains)
- you cannot assign a depot as a source vehicle for a line (aka "go pickup there and bring it back").
- "unload x% of passengers" should unload then based on fullness of the bus, not based on vehicle capacity

Specific buildings
- small clinic has just 1 ambulance, at least 2 would be nice for it to work better
- small police station should not require heat, so it can be placed in industrial areas similarly to small fire station
- CO24 is way too big for what it provides, turning it into CO32 on the same footprint and a graphic rework would surely help

UI suckiness
- inability to shortcut RCO buildings to assign tracklaying without need for manual assignment
- throughclicks through windows to readjust/delete jobs/settings of different thing I don´t even see
- when opening a building by clicking and cursor was placed in the "right" spot, it readjusts anything it stayed on without player noticing. Quite annoying sometimes (for example setting sentences in court this way to 18 years is quite easy)

That´s all for now, 29.08.2024
Last edited by Sirius Czech; 29 Aug, 2024 @ 2:35am
Sirius Czech 16 Jul, 2024 @ 7:21am 
Originally posted by Delle(DK):
One of the most annoying missing thingss are there are a lack of ingame information about how things work and are supposed to be setup.

Example your water system...
Have you ever looked into ingame "advisors" tab? There are TONS of info about almost anything. The worst thing about it is that it came in late and almost nobody - you included - uses it ;)
me@***** 16 Jul, 2024 @ 7:32am 
Domestic vehicle production to replace vehicles due to wear and tear.
There is no automatic way to produce a large set of replacement vehicles.

In production a single vehicle (road, rail, air, water) can be produced “infinitely”.
A fleet of different vehicles can only be produced once.

Repeat a manual defined job chain in the factory in a loop. A finished job type will be added to the end if a loop button is selected.
shine 16 Jul, 2024 @ 10:11am 

- It should be more clear why something is not working. There are indications, like when a train/bus lines is interrupted (pointing at the exact esclamation mark point), but they are not consistent enough, more feedback in general would help on 'unavailable' options
- Lack of junctions for tunnels, bridges, and underways passages
- transport ribbon crossings
- If unpaved dirt road raises brown dust and smoke (a beautiful detail/effect, IMO) when used by trucks, then also gravel ones should. Perhaps less and greish smoke, only when the road is dry.
Last edited by shine; 16 Jul, 2024 @ 10:13am
iki_balam 16 Jul, 2024 @ 10:51am 

- No DO for ships. Makes anything other than a strict export/import line nonviable. It works for Helicopters (CO), should work for ships!
- Seasonality for heating plants. A real big waste of labor and resources to keep the heating plat working in July, since I am not going to try and manually turn on every heating plant in October.
- Workers will go to factories that have no resources. For example, having an ore refinery next to a mine, workers will path to whatever is open regardless if there's nothing to do there.
- Sorting vehicles doesn't have an efficiency filter. I get that the variety sells and a lot of players want their nostalgia for a childhood in the Soviet era. But why have the variety of dozen of personal vehicles if I cant see fuel efficiency?
- Aircraft and ships seem to never use mechanics. If I place a Airplane parking next to a mechanic, I still see aircraft at +90% ware and tare. Same for boats, they never path to a port with a repair shop nearby.
Silent_Shadow 16 Jul, 2024 @ 11:03am 
A way to import containers automatically would be nice for container ships and trains. Maybe base this off the new vehicle selection option in the line/schedule menu?
Withaust 17 Jul, 2024 @ 7:47am 
It seems that the tutorial promts are moving the camera and disregard if you are currently using brush based tools (like deletion). I was in a process of deleting something, then the game decided to show me something on another part of the map, which resulted in me deleting a straight line through my city up to that point

-Time flow is too fast when you are in realistic mode and everything took a lot of time to build. Either the time flow can be slowed down or we need earlier start dates like 1940/1950.

-it's difficult to see how big a pipe is, especially when is built.
-There should be a way to "upgrade" pipes.
-You cannot use a waste water truck to empty a sewage tank.
-It's very difficult to see the slope of a pipe, especially when you are building it under a rough terrain.

-The UI doesn't give you informations about problems of a building unless you click on it, this is very problematic for new players (like me), when they forget to connect the specific building to electricity, water o waste water and they discover the problem when it's too late
-The distribution office UI doesn't give any information when something is wrong with the routes and it can be tricky to troubleshot.
-The UI buttons are all greyed out, making difficult to see, for example, the buildings. It shoud be the opposite, where it's greyed out only the thing you have selected. This is problematic for new players, who don't know where to find the buildings.
-Same as above but for the sidebar.

-Workers will go to construction sites when there are no resources, wasting their turn
-The UI for the management of jobs is very clunky and require too much micromanagement, there should be a centralized setting for that

-The game need more and better tooltips and maybe a system with nested tooltips, like the new paradox's games (CK3, Victoria 3).
-The notifications UI on the right corner is very clunky and difficult to navigate.

-Unused and unpowered building can catch fire, it's a pain in the ass when you are building a new city and you huge hospital burned down leaving you with 1000t of debris to clean up.
-The big shopping center has only one factory connection, while two of the smaller ones have more factory connections.
-Some of the truck stations have only one way road connection. It's too little and often causes a traffic jam in highly congested areas.
-The bus station with 2000 people capacity has ONE (AND ONLY ONE) road connection while most of the smaller ones have 2 road connections

-Trucks can transport only ONE type of resource.
Last edited by Profilo Molto Bello e Colorato; 20 Feb @ 11:41am
KailoskeuZhao 18 Jul, 2024 @ 12:46am 
-lack of junctions for tunnels & bridges (it's disastrous for road/rail planning)
-bridges cannot be stacked on each others
-basically impossible to build an efficient transport network which allows multiple transfers
-inefficient bridge & trolley road building (too much phases, some phases' resources should be stacked at the Cons. site) & tunnel building (lack of road tunnel building heavy equipment & lack of railway tunnel brick building equipment)
-repair stations should automatically reach end stations within in their service range, or that buses & trolleys should automatically go to the station
Originally posted by Silent_Shadow:
Originally posted by KailoskeuZhao:
-basically impossible to build an efficient transport network which allows multiple transfers
This is possible, but only for experts.
- I agree, but it is still hard to manage on the long run, I hope there's a better visualization of the settings of each station
-the transportation system still has huge defuncts - passengers still cannot go to transfer station when local facilities are crowded(when passenger board off at a station, if certain facilities are overcrowded, they will still head to the facility instead of transfer to another station or keep on board, station divert tool based percentage does not seem to work)

-no elevated platforms except metro platforms
-why can't the workers help road building? can they? (when not picked up by a CO bus)
-automatic naming system is confusing, especially when used on lines and for Cons. sites
-no underwater pipeline support (underwater pump, and accordingly underwater electricity substation)
-no island generator, no realism support for island start as well, though workshop helps
-no copy/paste for the direction of pedestrians for res/transportation
Last edited by KailoskeuZhao; 22 Aug, 2024 @ 11:33pm
Silent_Shadow 18 Jul, 2024 @ 12:55am 
Originally posted by KailoskeuZhao:
-basically impossible to build an efficient transport network which allows multiple transfers
This is possible, but only for experts.
f_ili_p_ :) 18 Jul, 2024 @ 5:44am 
Hi, i want to ask if your team can fix a big train station (Košice) because it is like 50% from a real station and the platforms are really not long enough
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