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Play with English text/interface but Chinese audio for voices
How do I do this? I have changed the language settings in audio to "Traditional Chinese" and restarted. Then all the interface/menu is in Chinese yet I only picked the language change in audio settings.
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There is a checkbox you can click in the audio or game settings that does pretty much that: Changes all voiceovers to Chinese and keeps the interface English.
Origineel geplaatst door Sqrt(-1):
There is a checkbox you can click in the audio or game settings that does pretty much that: Changes all voiceovers to Chinese and keeps the interface English.

Thanks I figured it out to just leave the language in audio settings as "English" but there are three checkboxes in the upper right part of the audio settings screen where you can enable Chinese audio for your advisor, generals and something else so I just checked all of those and it works.
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