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Can't seem to get past beginning
Playing on a Steam Deck

In the "trial" area every time I get to the flying bug others, I can't seem to get past this part.

It tells me to switch targets but the instructions stay on the screen and it doesn't seem to register I have switched targets.

I've tried it a few times, starting a new game and the result is the same.

What am I doing wrong?
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Ok, guess I'm on my own with this.
KamikaziFly 13 Feb 2023 @ 7:27pm 
try clicking ok to end the message.

Others complain about having to press ok or whatever to close the tutorial message. I thought it was going to end the tutorial, so I debated pressing the button on the message. Hope I said this enough ways to inform you to press the button to close the menu message in the tutorial.
Korelin 13 Feb 2023 @ 11:45pm 
Are you switching targets by untargeting then targeting the other enemy?

You have to hold R1 then move the right stick while locked on to an enemy to swap targets.

(Q + scrollwheel up or down for kbm)
No matter what button I seem to press, even the right or left stick, it doesn't seem to register that I have followed instructions and switched targets.

I do thank you both for replying.
CrazyIvan 15 Des 2024 @ 2:47am 
I am aware it is an old thread but maybe it will help someone who recently bought it:
You need to change your ingame controller setting for switching between the enemies to the other available option.
I managed to get through the tutorial with this. Still, I would not call this game working 'out of the box' with Steam Deck - it seems Bandai Namco did a really poor job with controller mappings and my guess is it will make the game really difficult if not impossible to finish on Steam Deck.
Terakhir diedit oleh CrazyIvan; 15 Des 2024 @ 2:48am
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