Text hard to read
Yep, it is a bit hard to read. It's mostly white on white. :( Can't you make the text outline a bit thicker? I'm at the start of the game (beach). Is every scene so bright?
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16/6 megjegyzés mutatása
I have let the dev know to see if we can do something here.
Hi, do you think you can take some screenshots and post it here?
We want to double check that the game is appearing as intended on you PC
Daikatan eredeti hozzászólása:

Yes, this is what is see. The scene is very bright and the text hard to read.
Thank you, I've passed it on to the dev
cheru eredeti hozzászólása:
Thank you, I've passed it on to the dev
Was there ever any update? I'm playing it on a windows handheld and it's almost nauseating how bright/washed out the game is.
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16/6 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2018. okt. 11., 7:16
Hozzászólások: 6