Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn

Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn

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Djinn 2 Feb, 2023 @ 12:54pm
Unable to light matches
So I'm in the room with the harp. Clearly, I need to light a match. So I press "R" on my keyboard to take out the matches. Then I press the right mouse button - and she puts the matches away.

Ok, I press "R" to take out the matches, and I press "R" again - and she puts the matches away.

Now I press "R" to take out the matches, and I left-click. She puts the matches away.

I try right-clicking WITHOUT taking out the matches ... and nothing happens. I have plenty of matches. Why won't the game allow me to light one?
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AngryDemonStudio  [developer] 2 Feb, 2023 @ 11:49pm 
Hello Djinn!

"R" is to check how many matches you have left
Left click is to light a match

So you only need to left click! You can see the controller scheme under options>Controls.

Thanks for playing! Have a spooky weekend!
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