Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn

Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn

game is good so far, but
i really hate save points. i forgot to do something and now i have to start the whole game over again. why not give us an option to save game or at the very least let us load from a certain point.
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Forgot what? Where are you now? It should not be possible to lock yourself in this game game. Also you can start from the specific chapter, not from the very beginning of the game.
i missed finding the second story and i cant get back because i cant go back through the narrow opening. i only see continue, i don't see a load save point

disregard, i found chapter select . i must be blind lol
Legutóbb szerkesztette: BladeTurbo; 2021. nov. 21., 9:46
You can replay chapters later and gather pages you've missed. The ones you've already found will remain.
good to know thanks
You'll forget about all that when you get to the Demon Babies. Wait and see.
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