Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition

Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition

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What's the range on Flynn's S. Spell Area skill?
It helps reduce the casting time for everyone, except himself.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Vicious 17 Jan, 2019 @ 9:19am 
Can't tell you. But... considering Flynn's primarily a melee fighter, and melee fighters don't generally stand around casting spells, I can't see this being all that useful unless the range of it literally covers the entire field.
Tanasinn [PCF] 17 Jan, 2019 @ 9:30am 
Oh that's kind of cool. I haven't gotten Flynn yet but the idea is that you hang around Estelle protecting her and she gets a bonus of casting faster.
Fluffal Kyurem 17 Jan, 2019 @ 10:11am 
Just did some testing. The range is atrocious, but it's about as effective as Speed Cast/Mystic Symbol. Rita was able to use cast Tidal Wave and other advanced spells about as fast as if she was in Over Limit. She has Speed Cast, Mystic Symbol, Light Magic, rhythm, S. Spell Area, and a few spells chained to get the result.

Blah blah blah, TIDAL WAVE!!
chrcoluk 29 Oct, 2024 @ 7:17pm 
Originally posted by Fluffal Kyurem:
Just did some testing. The range is atrocious, but it's about as effective as Speed Cast/Mystic Symbol. Rita was able to use cast Tidal Wave and other advanced spells about as fast as if she was in Over Limit. She has Speed Cast, Mystic Symbol, Light Magic, rhythm, S. Spell Area, and a few spells chained to get the result.

Blah blah blah, TIDAL WAVE!!

You right on the range it is tiny, but its also really powerful, time flow speed becomes about stock fireball speed.

Flynn can be made to not move much by making him chain spells, however its practical use is tiny I think, potentially if you set formation mode and put spellcasters right next to him in formation it might have a chance of naturally triggering in battles.

Rita because she can chain and has a bunch of buffs anyway might make it less effective on her, Estelle and Raven are likely the two main beneficiaries of its effects.
Last edited by chrcoluk; 29 Oct, 2024 @ 7:17pm
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