F1 2018
*FIXED* (kind of) FPS stuck on 36
Everything works fine until I start driving and then fps goes down to 36 and stays there. I have ryzen 1600 and gtx 1060 6gb so the problem should not be my pc... Help
Naposledy upravil T0m; 25. srp. 2018 v 1.53
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your CPU looks like it's just above min specs


Have you run a Benchmark test yet?
Whats your monitor resolution?
Are you runing on Ultra, High ...?

Try going to High, also pull back vehicle reflections, crown, mirrrors and smoke. dropping back reflections gave me a 20FPS boost.

with my i7 700K 4.2GHz OC to 5.0GHz. NVIDIA GTX 1070 I am getting 125FPS on full Ultra on a 2550x1440 when I run my tripple head set up I get a clean 80FPS on HIgh.
Naposledy upravil PoppaCapnurass; 25. srp. 2018 v 1.43
I just did the benchmark test on ultra and my average fps was around 80. The fps drops only when I get to drive the car so maybe a bug of some sort? I also tried every possible graphics setting but the fps doesn't change from 36.
Naposledy upravil T0m; 25. srp. 2018 v 1.49
I found the problem. If I use my steering wheel the game lags but if I play with my controller everything is fine.
Maybe reinstall the wheel drivers and /or trya different USB port. Worth a try.
PoppaCapnurass původně napsal:
Maybe reinstall the wheel drivers and /or trya different USB port. Worth a try.
I found out that the problem was the force feedback option. If turned off everything works fine. I can play the game now with the wheel but can't use force feedback.
i'm so glad i found this! thx buddy it was driving me mad! so oddly specific 36fps! seems like it's the exact same engine for f124 so same problem years later. now playing with controller! thx
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