Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Quick Guidelines for How to Post
In order to keep this section as helpful as possible, it would be useful to define some guidelines for how to post.

Make it obvious what you are looking for and tag it appropriately. For example:

  • [Recruiting][MG] Want two from US
  • [PUG][GN1-4] Looking for one more UK
  • [Looking for clan][Silver][AU]
  • [COOP] Phoenix Compound 2-star and beyond.

The Post
Include any further details that may be important.

If you are looking to play (PUG) with others without joining a clan, this may include:
Location / Timezone: CS:GO Rank (if applicable): Gamemode: MM (cs_/de_) / DM / Casual Other relevant information (microphone, age)

If you are wanting to join a clan:
Age: Steam ID: Time Zone: CS:GO Rank: How many hours on CS:GO: Last time played CS:GO

Additionally you can also provide information such as (if you run the clan)
Name of Team: Training schedules: Aspirations: We have: ( server, ts3, etc. ) We are looking for: Support / Entry Frager / Lurker / In game leader (Caller) / Awper

Just remember the easier you make it for some to find you, the more fun we all have ;)
Terakhir diedit oleh Jigokunoinu; 29 Apr 2016 @ 3:52am