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wat 2 Jan, 2018 @ 8:53pm
Can we turn off angels?
They're an annoying mechanic that don't add anything of value to the game.
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Showing 1-15 of 31 comments
Neptune 4 Jan, 2018 @ 2:01pm 
Can't argue against it. I also would like to disable them. I don't won't to compet on the leaderboard so getting no point as a return would be a fair price.
wat 13 Feb, 2018 @ 9:45am 
josephdw106 9 Mar, 2018 @ 6:49am 
this is obviously not a mechanic they meant to be turned off and honestly its part of the story so the angels not being there doesn't make sense then.
WereChicken 12 Mar, 2018 @ 4:02pm 
Originally posted by josephdw106:
this is obviously not a mechanic they meant to be turned off and honestly its part of the story so the angels not being there doesn't make sense then.
They are badly implemented and annoying though. I mean you have to click on items to see what they do and if you do near an angel it's auto penalty,, even if you weren't actually trying to kill anyone or do anything with said item.

It just punishes you for playing
wat 12 Mar, 2018 @ 5:18pm 
Originally posted by WereChicken:
Originally posted by josephdw106:
this is obviously not a mechanic they meant to be turned off and honestly its part of the story so the angels not being there doesn't make sense then.
They are badly implemented and annoying though. I mean you have to click on items to see what they do and if you do near an angel it's auto penalty,, even if you weren't actually trying to kill anyone or do anything with said item.

It just punishes you for playing

Exactly. The game went from enjoyable to annoying when the angels showed up. Even if they are part of the story, they are badly implemented.
josephdw106 27 Mar, 2018 @ 1:03am 
Originally posted by mrwat:
Originally posted by WereChicken:
They are badly implemented and annoying though. I mean you have to click on items to see what they do and if you do near an angel it's auto penalty,, even if you weren't actually trying to kill anyone or do anything with said item.

It just punishes you for playing

Exactly. The game went from enjoyable to annoying when the angels showed up. Even if they are part of the story, they are badly implemented.

some of the game is trial and error though. not all experiences can be done successfully the first time in real life and that is shown through this game. you get to click around as much as you want and not kill anybody to figure out where traps are and the angels only show up when you kill a certain ammount. if you don't take the time to figure out traps well thats part of the risk involved...and yes i do know only certain traps are available after certain events this but they ease the angels into the game and in each scene even. saying the angels are badly implemented becase they forced you to start over is like saying enemies in any other game killed you so they were badly implemented because they forced you to start over!
WereChicken 27 Mar, 2018 @ 1:17am 
Originally posted by josephdw106:
Originally posted by mrwat:

Exactly. The game went from enjoyable to annoying when the angels showed up. Even if they are part of the story, they are badly implemented.

some of the game is trial and error though. not all experiences can be done successfully the first time in real life and that is shown through this game. you get to click around as much as you want and not kill anybody to figure out where traps are and the angels only show up when you kill a certain ammount. if you don't take the time to figure out traps well thats part of the risk involved...and yes i do know only certain traps are available after certain events this but they ease the angels into the game and in each scene even. saying the angels are badly implemented becase they forced you to start over is like saying enemies in any other game killed you so they were badly implemented because they forced you to start over!
Except you have to click on things to get where they land. Being denied the ability to do that makes the game a pain, unless you're legitimately arguing that we should click on everything at the start of the mission and memorize where they land as that is a pretty ridiculous argument.
josephdw106 30 Mar, 2018 @ 2:26pm 
still though your saying enemies and attack patterns are unfair that you cannot get around them.... plenty of games were created based on enemies and attack patterns and memorizing when they will come by when things will be useful. its a pretty darn logical arguement as thousands of games would not exist if enemies with attack patterns and items being in certain possitions waiting for a certain setup to exist were all removed.
WereChicken 31 Mar, 2018 @ 3:44am 
Originally posted by josephdw106:
still though your saying enemies and attack patterns are unfair that you cannot get around them.... plenty of games were created based on enemies and attack patterns and memorizing when they will come by when things will be useful. its a pretty darn logical arguement as thousands of games would not exist if enemies with attack patterns and items being in certain possitions waiting for a certain setup to exist were all removed.
That's a completely different thing. It's not an attack pattern it's just a massive range insta fail zone, which good developers don't do.
I've had up to six angels at one place, making me miss a key oppurtunity to finally kill one of the three needed to pass, and screwed me completely over in the end.

I hate those things.
Cuddles 18 Apr, 2018 @ 9:14am 
I approached this game as a kind of 'Final Destination' strategy game. Waiting for victims to get into position and getting the timing just right to maximize deaths is tedious enough without having the blasted angels ruining your opportunities. Especially when you're on your Xth attempt of the same stage or trying to experiment with traps.

Personally, I can do without them and, while I understand some like the challenge, all that's being asked for is the 'option' to turn them off. I don't care about points, rankings or achievements either and have no qualms about them being disabled if the angels are as well.
Mysteron 108 8 Jul, 2018 @ 9:15am 
I would like the option to turn them off too. We arent asking for them to be removed, just the option to disable them. ON/OFF whichever we feel like when we play.

I also dont care about points or leader boards, I play to have fun, and sometimes those angels get in the way of fun. Other times I dont mind them and like the challenge.
Sebine 17 Jul, 2018 @ 3:10pm 
Yeah I got tagged twice by an angel being a HALF INCH away from what they thought they saw

Great mechanic.
P51mus 20 Sep, 2018 @ 6:53pm 
The angels are the only thing keeping me from recommending this game to other people.
tuxberlin 18 Oct, 2018 @ 3:23pm 
Originally posted by P51mus:
The angels are the only thing keeping me from recommending this game to other people.
Same for me
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