Hacker Evolution - Untold

Hacker Evolution - Untold

Apart of english, is this game translated to other languages or only english? thx
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exosyphen  [dév.] 5 mars 2014 à 3h07 
Not yet.
also sind andere sprachen geplant?
exosyphen  [dév.] 18 avr. 2014 à 8h03 
We are in the process of localizing the game in popular languages.

hat sich den schon was etwas getan bei der sprachauswahl?


has been the thing done something in the language selection?
exosyphen  [dév.] 22 mars 2015 à 11h01 
Not yet :|
russian please
Please can u translate this game to spanish , I like so much this game !

sudo rm -rf /etc/hacker\ evolution/languages/English && echo Spanish > /etc/hacker\ evolution/languages/Spanish

print ( "Hello Friends" )
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