how to create a dedicated server in the half life 25 aniversary?
i'm trying to create a server using tutorials (that was uploaded before of the aniversary edition) using steamcmd and hlds , but i can't create a online server , only appear when i sear in lan but no in "internet" , anyone know how to solve or a updated guide ?
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These tutorials still hold up, you'll have to open the required ports (27015 UDP) from your router in order to let others join your server!

Steam Networking only seems to work on a listenserver system.
Nguyên văn bởi BaseQ | Ch0wW:
These tutorials still hold up, you'll have to open the required ports (27015 UDP) from your router in order to let others join your server!

Steam Networking only seems to work on a listenserver system.
Ive opend the ports and still the game can detect my server in "internet" search , only in "lan"

Description Inbound Port Type Private IP Address Local Port
valve 27015-27015 UDP [my ipv4] 27015-27015

also ive tried to put instead to UDP to both and its the same
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