Pootis Bird (Caber Gang) 2024년 12월 18일 오전 8시 56분
I Like The HD Models.
I find the HD models overhated. Sure the berreta and M4A1 sharing ammo makes absolutely no sense but the replacements for the weapons Arent bad. Atleast in my opinion. Honestly I Dont get why people hate the HD models so much. they arent bad and they have much more detail fore example, the LD crowbar was honestly just a piece of color shaped to somewhat resemble a crowbar. The HD crowbar however has detail and its much more bigger although maybe too big but resembles a crowbar the best. The glock and SMG replacements are probably one of the most hated. And I partly agree, I wish they kept the old weapons and replaced them for higher quality ones. Like the SPAS 12 is, speaking of the SPAS The SPAS 12 is one of my favorite weapon replacements. one of the main criticisms for the SPAS is its cocking sound, which is loud and thats true but honestly it makes me feel more powerful and like I can kill anything in my way. (which is true). Finally the only thing that I hate in the HD pack is the scientists and the security guard models. While they are higher quality I cant feel anything else but disgust when looking at them. But in conclusion I hate when people dunk on the HD pack just because of nostalgia and the berreta and colt m4a1 not making sense. Sorry for this being so long lmao I just wanted to defend the HD models for a bit.
Pootis Bird (Caber Gang) 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2024년 12월 22일 오전 2시 14분
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PsyWarVeteran 2024년 12월 18일 오전 9시 41분 
OutSIdeOfTheBoX (chrisvig71) 2024년 12월 18일 오전 9시 43분 
i agree, i don't hate the hd models, i think the original are the best ones, but i still love the hd pack but... yeah it's overhated
Doc Shinpao 2024년 12월 18일 오전 10시 29분 
I used to like them but, the sounds of the weapons are the main reason I'm liking them less and less.
Ikagura 2024년 12월 18일 오전 11시 41분 
I wish some were separate weapons.
(ma)n(g)oes 2024년 12월 19일 오전 12시 17분 
First time I played HL in 2001 was with the HD pack. Ten year old me absolutely hated the the original models and sounds lol. As I've gotten older, I've learned to appreciate the original LD style of Half-Life but the HD pack will always hold a special place in my heart.
(ma)n(g)oes 2024년 12월 19일 오전 12시 19분 
But to answer your question, no there's nothing wrong with you. You're allowed to enjoy things. Both have their own absurdities so to say one is "less realistic" than the other is just a silly thing to say.
Cat 2024년 12월 19일 오전 4시 05분 
There's nothing wrong with liking them but there is something wrong with you if you need to ask whether something is wrong for having an opinion of your own.

❤ Silly Mikey ❤ 2024년 12월 19일 오전 9시 32분 
I like the hd models
vidmantaskun 2024년 12월 19일 오후 5시 23분 
I like Half Life, both the old and the new.
waifuluvr9001 2024년 12월 20일 오전 3시 25분 
There's something wrong with all of us, don't sweat it.
Jack Krauser 2024년 12월 20일 오후 2시 38분 
I like HD Barney better than "Benry". The HD scientists are okay I guess? Still prefer their LD counterparts. The HD grunts are pretty good. The HD aliens are decent.

But give me the LD weapons over the HD weapons any day.
pasta864 2024년 12월 21일 오전 1시 05분 
The crowbar is too "fat" in the HD version, it's wider than a log!
Ikagura 2024년 12월 21일 오전 1시 06분 
pasta864님이 먼저 게시:
The crowbar is too "fat" in the HD version, it's wider than a log!
To do more damage.

But the SD one looks simplistic.
Drakonuid5 2024년 12월 21일 오전 2시 41분 
To be honest the PS2 barny its my favorite if have the LD color sheme and the gleck.
MsM 2024년 12월 21일 오전 5시 09분 
Hd models is really good, but they over "improved" the models of nps, and that look really bad :alyx:
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