

GinMD 2023 年 2 月 4 日 上午 11:23
What's this Floating Peaks garbage?
I'm at the Floating Peaks level where you're on the hoverboard thing trying to escape the dragon. That's weird in itself, and doesn't fit in with the rest of the gameplay. But it seems broken as well. I get past the defensive stage (dodging the fire), offensive (shooting it), and then collecting the health/energy orbs. Then it just kicks me back to the beginning of the stage repeatedly. There's no dying as far as I can tell, if so I don't know what's killing me. This whole stage is a mess. The gameplay is nothing like the rest of the game, the frame rate sucks, the sound jacks up to max suddenly, the whole thing seems like it was just plugged into the game after the fact for some reason and it doesn't fit. Even worse, I can't progress because of it and it looks like I'll have to quit. I know it's well past the point of anything being fixed now, but I just had to rant.
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medion_no 2023 年 2 月 5 日 下午 1:15 
Mmm theres something wrong in your end, i completed it just right, try to cap fps and try again.
ewgamma 2023 年 4 月 21 日 上午 4:11 
u must get enough score to pass the pharse...
it take me 1 night...
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