Zombie Army 4: Dead War

Zombie Army 4: Dead War

Can't host mulitplayer lobby?
Trying to play this game with a friend right now, but neither of us can host a campaign lobby, we both get a message that says "Game could not be created" with error code 12018. Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this?
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目前顯示第 1-3 則留言,共 3
Altanazar 1 月 12 日 上午 8:49 
Everyone has this problem. It's probably something with the servers.
Basic--Kill 1 月 12 日 上午 8:59 
Evidently, only solo play is allowed. No horde games available on any servers here or in Europe etc. Thank you Steam/Rebellion???? This has been going on for an hour at least.
jimco 1 月 13 日 下午 4:03 
try changing regions in options.
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