Slizer Battle Management System

Slizer Battle Management System

Battle cruiser's Bug
When select "Belator" battle cruiser, you will stuck with missile barrage command.

Some of "Venator" equipment's upgrade cost are -1. After upgrade, you actually get 1 resouce and the equipment.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on shine T; 6.8.2018 klo 14.48
Alkuperäinen julkaisija: slizer88:
Fixed the options loading function setting the hotkeys of any abilities with the same name to an empty string.

Venator's abilities now cost resources.
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slizer88  [kehittäjä] 6.8.2018 klo 21.35 
Hi shine T,

The Missile bug is caused by some weird bug with the save/load functions. To fix it just go to the options menu and go to the Hotkeys tab, and change "Missile Barrage" 's hotkey to [M] or whatever else you might like. The weird thing about this bug is that it only happens to units with the Missile Barrage ability, like the Revenant and Bellator. I have no idea why.

I can't believe I didn't set the Venator's equipment prices properly. I'll check that tomorrow.

As always, thank you for telling me. I should have checked a lot of these things, but they were working when I last checked and I don't really have the time to do full quality assurance testing. I shouldn't have to rely on players to do it for me, but I do appreciate those who help me by reporting it.
It's work but I have to set the hotkey again everytime after exit.

By the way, the game crash in mission 20
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object flare:

Variable missile.targeted(100350, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_divert_missile
stack frame is
gml_Script_divert_missile (line 0)

Also, I suggest Save/Load formation in planning mode.
It will help reduce the time to setup everything when retry the same mission with large fleet (e.g. mission 22) or when you have your favorite core formation.

Thank you
Viimeisin muokkaaja on shine T; 11.8.2018 klo 6.55
slizer88  [kehittäjä] 29.8.2018 klo 23.52 
I took a look at the save/load functions for the options again and couldn't figure out why -only- Missile Barrage has this problem. other abilities use the [M] key without a problem, and missile barrage isn't special, it's just one in the long list of abilities which are all saved exactly the same way. I have no idea what's wrong with it but I'll come back to it.

Thank you for the crash report, I've seen this before but I thought i fixed it. I'll get to it tomorrow.

Do you mean that everything in planning should be saved, ie. each deployed unit, their location, their direction, initial orders, their weapon loadout, ambush/PAV/SL/beam? It's possible to do this, but I was hoping to design the game such that there wouldn't be favorite set ups, instead it would depend on the mission and strategy and change a lot. I definitely understand why it's useful, I was just hoping it wouldn't be so complicated that it would be necessary. I'll think about it more.
Tämän sovelluksen kehittäjä on merkinnyt tämän julkaisun vastaavan alkuperäiseen aiheeseen.
slizer88  [kehittäjä] 30.8.2018 klo 11.20 
Fixed the options loading function setting the hotkeys of any abilities with the same name to an empty string.

Venator's abilities now cost resources.
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