Torch Cave 3

Torch Cave 3

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Achievement Spam
Why are you guys even doing it? Do you even know that 99% of achievement hunters and completionists don't care if the many achievements you shove in their faces are practically meaningless? Think about that before you even begin to think about censoring or banning me (or users like me).

As far as I can see, you guys are one of the worst offenders in this department. Just stop it already.

We're watching you :p2turret:
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Mhmmm 6 Jul, 2017 @ 5:46am 
Yup. I'm not getting this crap. I have bought 1&2 when they had GOOD achievements. After dev deleted them and added spam cheevos I stopped supporting them. Pleb cheevos needs to die.
Ztarman 6 Jul, 2017 @ 9:44am 
Because VALVE allows them too.

Quit *****ing about achievements when Valve were the idiots that set no limit for any game in the first place. Don't forget about Steam Achivemement Manager which makes all of your sob stories irrelevant.
yup, i rather have game with 1 achievement and hard to beat than 3453454354354353 nubz cheevos, yet ppl encourage this model of BS poor game just to get ez cheevos.. its sad to see so many moron :gs_unimpressed:
GodLord 12 Oct, 2019 @ 1:32pm 
achievements is my life
The Sojourner 31 Oct, 2019 @ 5:47pm 
Originally posted by GodLord:
achievements is my life

Hey good news (since you even bothered to dig up this thread ;P): thanks to games like this, Valve has since been more stringent with achievements than ever. No longer can you expect meaningless achievement spam games.
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