Return of the Obra Dinn

Return of the Obra Dinn

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J4MESOX4D 14 Nov, 2024 @ 5:28am
The Escapees [Spoilers]
I finished the game yesterday and solved all the fates without having to cheese or cheat and was quite pleased with myself especially after uncovering some complex clues that were smartly constructed by the dev. However there was one scene which felt a bit 'guesswork' and that was the scene where 4 people 'disappeared', namely the surgeon, the two English ladies and I think Davey was the last person's name, on the lifeboat.

I correctly identified the people and determined they escaped with the boat missing from the next scene and using the map I worked under the assumption they were alive and in Africa based on the ship's last know location. However it felt like it, albeit right, was perhaps more of an assumed guess and I was wondering if I had missed any other blatant clue or if this was the intended way to solve this part?

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Bloobz 14 Nov, 2024 @ 8:33am 
The big clue lies in the Surgeon. It's Henry Evans, the very same person that send you the book you are using to solve the game. And the guy is alive in Maroco
Fusha 14 Nov, 2024 @ 12:58pm 
They require some assumptions to be made, but the intended hint is in the book's preamble.
Giovanni 25 Nov, 2024 @ 1:33am 
There is a super easy way to assign their fates with 100% certainty. If you return the book with something like 75% of the fates solved, you'll get a "bad ending" including a letter containing the fate of those 4 people you correctly identified. After that, you can reload into the ship (use the "rewind" button in the save list) and use the new info to complete those fates
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