Shape of the World

Shape of the World

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Good looking almost relaxing little game.
i say almost cause im "stuck" in jumping (glowing rocks) puzzle where tree keeps growing up in front of you stopping you dead so you fall all way down and have to do it all again.

Apart from that its pretty game to chill for an hour or five (My fisrt playthrough 117 minutes on and off) :acbutterfly:
Last edited by joridiculous; 9 Jun, 2018 @ 8:10am
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kaliman 28 Feb, 2021 @ 10:36pm 
There's one area where big, big versions of the little sea anemone shaped creatures with multiple legs bump you so that you fall down the hill. Don't know whether we're talking about the same place. I seem to have gotten past them somehow, but I'm not sure how.
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