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Viewing Secondary Objectives During Levels in Mission Mode
Were you always just not able to see if you were on track to completing secondary objectives?
I'm trying to clean up some of them before going up to the next difficulty level, but it makes it really hard when the UI doesn't tell you what the secondary obj. is except when starting the race fresh. I swear it would at least flash all objectives on screen when restarting a level, if it didn't just straight up have both showing in the corner last time I played but now I have to completely quit out of the level and start again if I need to remind myself of what the secondary even is since I can forget after focusing on the level itself during more difficult sections.
Or, in the case of Virtual Insanity, where the secondary is to get 50 recovery items, I don't seem to have any way to tell how many I've collected, and I'm not even told at the end of the level, which makes it really hard to gauge if I'm even coming close to achieving my goal.